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Weekend - Collaroy, Newport


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Had this weekend earmarked for a jewfish attempt along with some other raiders on Saturday night, but due to family priorities I hit the beach alone. Picked Collaroy and got out there about 6pm to fish into dusk and up to the high tide. Immediately it was obvious the beach had a lot of loose kelp/weed in close so I moved up the beach until I found what appeared to be clear. Wrong.

The summary of the night was cast, get snagged, spend 10 minutes hauling in weed large enough to pull drag, detangle, move up the beach repeat. At most I got 10 minutes of weed free fishing broken by arm stretching struggles to not loose gear to the weeds. I considered moving locations but didn't want to waste time moving and lose the tide, so I just kept shuttling up the beach. Gave up around 9:45pm for no bites, sore arms and a lot of swearing. I tried to find a harbour spot to finish up my baits but balmoral, blues point and Walsh bay were packed so called it a night.

On Sunday we did an early dinner and as I had half a mullet left and the high tide was around 10 I figured I could sneak in another crack, this time I went to Newport setting up around 9pm. There were 4 other guys in a group setup where I thought looked ok, so I setup further up the beach at what I thought looked like a bit of a hole. Very quiet up until just after the tide when I got a few quick hits on a large fillet I had out. Then got a good take and was on. Not massive but putting on a good fight so I thought maybe a large bream. As it came in it got more aggressive and out popped a decent tailor about 36cm. He bit off my snelled hook as he got on the sand and almost made it back in. I quickly turned him into a fresh fillet for bait (rather than frozen left over mullet).

Had no further action so packed up around 11:20 and took the remaining tailor fillet home. Comparatively a much better result than the night before. The other 4 guys using pillies didn't get a hit though so I guess not much was around.

Lesson for the weekend was proof of how much my gear can take, because that weed was heavy hauling and a lot of effort, but the rod, reel, braid and rig all took it. So hopefully if that 60lb jewfish ever finds it I should be in with a chance :)

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Weed was putting on a good fight - rod bends, each outgoing wave was pulling line off the drag like it was taking a run and I had sore arms the next day. Everything about fighting a good fish without the fish or satisfaction. Guess the best one went 25kg in the water, maybe 5 out. ;)

Yeah - closest I have been to a jewie is the head of someone else's on the beach. Gotta be in it to win it

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SgtBundy, the closest ive been to a jew is a few nights ago, the guy next to me caught 4 soapies measuring between 55-65cm. It was an awesome sight, but I didn't get anything :(, going down to that beach again sometime this week to try again, your free to join me :)

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Down south, at Thirroul beach, ive seen quite a few caught at the beaches down south, but the gutter I've fished the last few times, has produced a few times for a friend of mine, his biggest this year was 110cm.

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I will be down that way next weekend but not sure if the tides will be right. Will also have the family in tow so might be just a light session while the kids play on the beach.

But will give down south a go next time I plan a jewie session, it's an hour whatever direction I go

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Bad enough to warrant some dencorub when I got back home, but were fine later. It was quite a workout - I think more the frustration of it made me want to get my gear back, plus the fact I was using 50lb braid so it was either cut off a lot of line or haul it in. Even the 4ft wobbegong I got a while back was not that much of a workout.

Would much rather get the same exercise with a 60lb mulloway though :)

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