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Slow blackfish session


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G'day raiders

Hit the same spot as last weekend with Andrew, Seamus and Ben (witha)

Andrew was there 8-9, Ben was there 10:30, Seamus about 12 and me 2 (because of other commitments) so it was pretty mixed up

Got there and saw no bag dangling in the water which was not a good sign. Nothing had happened all day but then Andrew left and about 15 minutes after, Ben hooks a good fish which was unfortunately lost at the net.

Ben the left and Seamus got a good down, it just went under and then shot down in a split second and definitely a surgeon, then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pop

Damn, popped the 6lb leader

Anyway, after that Seamus picked up a fish around 4 at 36cm and then 45minutes of nothing again until the downs started

I picked up 2 fish at 32 and 33 and then shut down again

Left at 6:45

Very slow day but that's fishing

17 one session and 3 the next

Cheers thefisherman6784


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Patients is something black fishermen develop over the years. Yesterday this spot fired early on run up. One of my fishing buddies caught one about 34 cm that a big jewfish must have savaged on way in as it was missing scales and had its tooth marks and blood over its body. I dropped a big fish also there. I have been letting them take the float down and waiting a while till they swallow it. Yesterday I was going to fish the run out after 5.00pm after my buddies left, however, they took all the bait and I was left with a half a bucket of berley that I placed in close where you caught fish last Saturday. I was thinking of you and your after 5.00 pm sessions as this hole was primed for your arrival.


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Thanks to everyone for havin me out was great to get stuck into the technique if not the fish haha. Definitely an enjoyable way to fish and great to meet up with you guys. Thanks for the rod lend Andrew I'll have to check the garage for hidden treasure

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