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Buzzing sound during night fish- Botany Bay


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I have a question regarding a strange buzzing sound coming from our rods and/or line.

We were out in the middle of the bay on Friday night, storms all around on the horizon- nothin overhead, when a friend said he heard buzzing. First we thought he was just tired, but then i could also here it coming off the tip of my 6ft 4-8kg rod.

I have searched here looking for an explanation...can anyone tell me what it was- is it static in the air, static on the boat?

BTW I finally got the courage to post on here- have been studying these forums profusely since buying a boat a few months ago

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No there was no lightning hitting the water- it was mainly sheet and bolts over the city and down south, but we were thinking that something was building around us overhead though nothing on BOM. It was a very humid night

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I have experienced this as well, the very first time I took my tinny out, also in botany Bay, near Mollie point. It lasted for a few minutes then went away. It sounded like static or bubbles coming off the hull. Was a bit scared being first time out on my boat and sounded like something not normal was happening. Hasn't happened since but always wanted to know if there was an explanation.

Also it was during the day before midday, and it was a normal day, blue skies with clouds here and there.

Edited by Ojay Samson
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Guest Aussie007

me and some mates were fishing mol point about 6? months ago i posted the storm pictures here on FR, we were fishing just off mol point towards the marker on the corner and while holding the rods up we heard the buzzing we were in direct line of getting hit by the lightning that was all around us luckly we put the rods down and waited for the storm to move over

freaky day!

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Have found that before, when fishing just off shore during a thunderstorm just before dark. The further out from shore, the greater the electrical current on the rod tips, to the point that the rods were glowing with a purple light. When the lightning started, headed back to shore and the glowing stopped. Did not want to attract a lightning strike.

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Some sort of electrical charge because of storm activity I'd say. I used to rock climb and experienced it once standing on top of a large tower in the desert in Utah. It was really loud and seemed to come off the metal gear we had harnessed around us. This tower was the tallest thing by miles as far as the eye could see and my mate and I were crapping ourselves. We abseiled off pretty quickly.

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I was out Friday night as well. We were south of the hacking and had to put the antennas on the hard top down cause the were humming so loud I was crapping myself.

If the fishing rods were horizontal they were quiet. But if they were lifted vertical they would humm like crazy.

My mates hair kept turning into an affro pretty funny to watch but bloody scary at the same time.

We ended up going for a run down to stanwell park to wait for the storm to pass. Was way to much lighting to go through it.

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