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Lake Mac Saturday


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Hi Raiders,

I headed off to Gwandalan to my brother in laws around 7am this morning looking forward to trying some new fishing grounds as I hadn't been to Lake Mac before. I was surprised at how large the lake is and I only really ventured around the southern end of the lake.

We headed out to Pulbah island where the only thing biting were pinkies, ended up moving over to the mouth of Dora Creek but didn't get a bite at all.

Finally stopped at Mannering Park near the outlet to the power station and caught a beautiful 60cm flattie in around 3 feet of water. I knew I had a decent size fish on but didn't expect it to be a big flattie. It didn't put up much of a fight until it got to the surface so we got the net under it straight away. Only 1 decent fish for the day but it will make a good feed for the missus and I tonight.

I am thinking about heading out again in the morning to West Reef if I can muster the energy to do so. If I do I will head off very early to make the most of the light wind and small swell.



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Yep, that's Lake Mac for ya. I had the exact same result last time I fished it....plenty of undersized or undesirable fish and a nice flatty in the end. That's the thing about it though, you never know what will turn up... Kings, Jews, monster Flathead...

Like you said, it's surprisingly big and it can be hard to find the fish but the variety is great. Good luck if you head out in the morning, I look forward to hearing how you go.

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