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Botany FAD and The Peak PB King


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Gday Raiders

With the conditions offshore forecast to be ideal it was an opportunity to head out and try some offshore action.

After collecting some live yakkas at the tugs i headed out from Botany to the FAD, arrived at 6am with only 1 other boat around, threw out the trolling lures and shortly after double hook up on baby dollies. this continued on for about 40 mins hooking up in excess of 20 times all dollies ranging from 25cm to 40cm, no keepers. Decided to try some live baits setting one at 20m deep and another at about 8 m deep, drifted in the vicinity of the FAD for another hour whilst flicking a soft plastic for no hits on the livies.

Gave up on the FAD so headed over to The Peak and there were 7-8 boats floating around. I tied on my Shimano Butterfly Jig with double assist and slowly moved around until i found some bait balls, dropped the jig in the water and hooked up to a rat king on the way down, he went 60cm so back in he went. jigging for 30 mins and my arms starting to get very very sore i finally hooked up again this time to a better king which instantly took off, the bait balls were floating between 20-30m of water so with 40 pound mono and 70 pound leader i was hoping this king wouldnt reach the bottom. finally got him boat side and he went 68cm, dinner sorted. Continued jigging and came up with another king at 65cm bang on legal so in the esky he went.

Then hooked up to a cracker of a king which gave my arms a real work out i was already aching at this point and he hit the jig at 40m so i had to work him to the boat a number of times and some long blistering runs before he got tired but he went 81cm and a new PB for me. STOKED.

gave up after that and headed home with a big smile on the face and very sore arms, saw plenty of other boats hooked up today at the Peak which was good to see and an absolutely MASSIVE manta ray which swallowed someones bait and took off. water quality and temp looked good at 23 degrees. Given the size of the dollies at the FAD i probably wont consider going back for another couple of weeks until they get bigger.








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Cheers fellas it was an great day the water really looked amazing and the weather was great

Though I must admit cleaning the boat was a pain yesterday, those dollies manage to hook themselves 50% of the time either through the side of the head or through an eyeball ! And when they come aboard they spray blood EVERYWHERE.

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