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Dec 27 - Jan 10 Jervis Bay


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Hey all, headed down to Vincentia for a family holiday and got a whole heap of fishing done. So here goes a bit of a report of the more memorable moments.

1. Headed about 6km outside the heads looking for some good sized reds, only managed 1 flatty going 83cm before the weather turned and we headed back in.

2. Went out late arvo with the wife and kid for about 14 squid then went home for a feed. Left some for bait of course. Later that night headed down to the beach to try my luck for some jewies or sharks. Hooked up first cast, had 1 massive run and some huge headshakes before it busted off. A guy came running over saying he heard my reel scream. After a few expletives, and a swig of my sandy beer i baited up again and out she went. 1 more hook up and run, no headshakes though meaning it was probably a ray and that was it for the night.

3. Had to head back to the beach after getting busted off by what was no doubt the biggest fish i would've caught. Had the tide, and was the day after a full moon. took some squid that i caught the previous day and first cast hooked a ray, confirming my suspicion from the night before. 2nd cast same as the first night, massive run, headshakes and gone...jew or shark?? 2 more hook ups after that which were probably rays snd i was done for the night.

4. Tried some more landbased at husky boat ramp, husky breakwall, stoney creek, murrays boat ramp, nelsons beach, bream beach and hole in the wall with not much success apart from some flattys and the odd whiting and tailer using everything from squid strips to servo prawns and plastics. I must note that most of these landbased trips were at random times not really looking at tidal, moon, wind, weather conditions, more so just to get out and kill a couple of hours when the little one was sleeping or the wife was out shopping.

5. Headed out for bait and managed the 1 squid and slimy. Sliced em up nicely and drifted around hyams beach to catch some snapper, another flatty and a morwong that went 42cm.

6. Grabbed some more squid again and drifted bowen island only to get pestered by those bloody jackets. Managed a whole heap of undersized snapper, some wrasse and a nice 44cm snapper on ultra light gear which was probably the fishing highlight of the trip. She gave me a couple of really good runs and had the 1-3kg rod bent over the whole time.

7. Back to husky boat ramp with foe a sp session and managed 2 flattys, 36 and 55cm along with some more undersized stuff.

All in all was a good 2 week stint with the family and came home with some good fish but more importantly will take alot of info from the trip regarding tides, moon phases, feeding times, beach fishing etc that i gathered from random trips at random times and a lot of good info from some helpful locals.

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