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Newport quiet - Sunday evening


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Figuring I wont get a chance to try for jewies with the new moon during the work week I grabbed some fresh mullet to hit the high tide this evening. Had some prawns as well to throw around on the lighter rod too.

Arrived around 7:20 just before top of the tide and got setup with what appeared to be a fair gutter.

All quiet until a bit later when about a dozen other fishos turned up - some appeared to be live baiting with yakkas. Some guys throwing live worms with alveys got a decent bream but that was about it. Those guys gave me the last of their live worms as they packed up and a lent them a cutting board to clean their bream.

I switched to using the fresher worms but got no interest in them. About 9 as the tide started to run it became weed snag hell - I seemed to catch it as soon as the rigs hit the water.

Gave up around 10 and packed up fairly frustrated between the weed and no hits at all on nice fresh bait.

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