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Lilli Pilli Squid


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Hey all,

So after having a very successful squidding session on my holidays I'm now hooked. There top bait and awesome to take home. I've decided to try some spots around the Hacking and first up was Gymea Bay a few nights ago. I'd never been down there before and would be happy to just catch one. Didn't take long and had a small bait sized one on the platform. I had a few more hits but wasn't able to connect. A few guys next to me also picked up around 4-5 while I was there.

I was going to try Lilli Pilli next and was wondering if anyone could give me info on squidding there. Do you just squid off the wharf straight out or fish from the rocks to the side? I'll be heading there at night as well. I know it can get fairly crowded there so want to be able to have a few options.

Also with glow jigs, do they work at night if you're not fishing near a lit area?



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Sorry mate happens sometimes, but from my squiding experience usually one colour is more favourable at a certain spot, but if you see them chase and grab/ not grab the wrong end of the lure change type of retrieve. If that doesn't work change size and or color. Always keep changing and keep them guessing if it gets quiet .

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Both of those options at Lilli Pilli are fine. I've only fished it a few times shore based and that was ages ago but I've landed squid next to the baths, straight out from the baths and straight down the front of them.

As for glow jigs yeh they work great in dark spots just take a torch with you to give the a recharge.


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