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Saturday 28/2 - am Pittwater


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Hi all,

Longfish and I headed up to Pittwater to hit and area we liked the look of for bream. Got there just after high tide and launched the yaks around sunrise. Light gear and surface lures produced a few fish, but no where near as many as we had hoped initially, although Longfish got some whiting on the lures which is always good. As it didn't appear to be happening as hoped, we headed to slightly deeper water...

We headed off in slightly different directions and pretty soon I noticed a large congregation of birds. Hmmm, better go check that out, thinks I... I get to where the birds are and it's absolute mayhem. Had a quick look and realised it was Kings and Mac tuna. Only had light gear, but thought what the hell... May as well give it a shot. I flick my 2 - 4 with a 1k reel and SP at the mess and hook on immediately. It wasn't even a fight... I got smoked by what must have been a king. OK, time to re-evaluate... Luckily I had a spare 2.5k with me so I threw that on the rod and kept an eye on things while doing so. It became apparent that the kings and mac tuna were effectively taking it in turns, with the Kings heading deep while not attacking. So I flicked at the tuna and hooked on a couple of times. Great fun on the light gear! Then I put on a heavier slug and sunk it to see if I could tempt the deep kings... Second cast and I'm on. Felt like a much bigger fish and was expecting to get hammered by the king again, but I managed to get it under control... Up it comes and there's a big flash of silver - not a king. I bring it up to the side and it's a jewfish! My first one! I've only been fishing about a year and have always wanted one, so that was a great surprise... Came in at 59. Not awful for a first timer on light gear!

After that, I caught sight of Longfish (who I couldn't get earlier because he'd left his phone in the car...). He comes over and then we're both flicking at the baitfish. More mac tuna and a lovely Watson's leaping bonito for Longfish - another first! After that, I managed to grab to nice Bream from under the bait - both coming in just over 30. Then something we didn't recognise, and a rather large yakka...

It calmed down, so I went for a wander, but it wasn't long before Longfish whistled me back over - The kings were back. He'd just hooked on and got absolutely smoked on the light gear, but it was fun! We started having a play to see how to get good rates on the SPs... We soon found a way that was working and started having a crack. Longfish pulled up a nice trev and then hooked on to something very big... He managed to steer it well and it looked like he'd won, but then it managed to find some unseen structure to snap the line. All in all we'd been smoked by 4 kings... Great fun, but to be expected on light gear!

It started to quiet down and the wind had picked up, so we were just toying with the idea of heading back... On my last flick, I hooked on... It went like stink and we thought it might be our last chance at a king but, alas, it was just a really nice trev - 38cm.

All in all we pulled out 10 different species and lost count of fish. Fantastic day on the water - my best one to date. Unfortunately only got pics of the bream and the jewfish because we were too busy fishing to worry about photos!




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Nice Jewie mate! Well done.

Couldn't agree with you more on the light gear. Last harbour session I was throwing my poppers out on 8 & 12lb braid.. Lucky we were away from any structure or boats. Great fun.

Would be worth taking a heaver rod next time, ready for when the kings turn up!

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Nice session boys. What SP's and jigheads did most of the damage?

May give Pittwater a crack in the morning.

5" paddle tail zman on 1/8 oz for the jewie (bottom) and some mac tuna mid water. 3" minnow and slugs wacky rigged for all else, plus surface lures and bent minnows.

Well done, sounds like you had a pretty good day.

I was out a few weeks ago and could only manage a few flatty.

If you don't mind me asking, what areas of Pittwater were you fishing?

Cheers Peter

No probs. We were around stokes point.

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5" paddle tail zman on 1/8 oz for the jewie (bottom) and some mac tuna mid water. 3" minnow and slugs wacky rigged for all else, plus surface lures and bent minnows.

No probs. We were around stokes point.

Thanks mate

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Baby 3" sluggos rigged whacky and fished almost static with the odd twitch were what was working for me. Great fun! Hooked one king on a 4.5" sluggo fished a bit deeper on a weighted offset worm hook...the rest on the smaller whacky rigged ones on an unweighted offset worm hook.

They are fixated on feeding on tiny 'eyes' baitfish at the moment so it is not that easy to get them to take...hence the whacky rigged tiny plastics.

Edited by Longfish
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