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G’day fellow raiders,

So fishing wasn’t that good yesterday, but stay for 10 hours and something’s going to happen right?!

So got to the rocks before first light and it was quiet, it took a while for my first hook up with a bonito which came at about 7. There was lots of fishy signs birds/jumping bait, but nothing in casting range… One other bloke got a bonito then it went quiet for an hour or so.

We burlied up and got kings excited with bread... and I cranked my xxx rapala through the m and hooked up on a king but dropped it at the rock (first time dropping fish on single hooked lures). One bloke was fishing with a big diving lure rigged chasing a squid skirt, which I quite like the idea of. Unfortunately he was not as good as his rig and kept 2 rats, smallest probably only 45cm....

It went pretty quiet and most people left and at about 1pm a school of bait came charging past the rock, then came the big boys, 5-6 70-110cm kings. I had out a slapstick lure and ripped it back so I could get it back out in front of them, by the time I did the smaller models were coming through, picking up scraps. My slapstick did exactly that, slapped the surface and brought them up. One smaller king grabbed it in the middle and I let it run with it as it only had a single worm hook in it. The king did as any good fish should and shuffled it in his mouth to eat it head first and I struck, it was a small fish so the fight was short even on 20lb line. I got a quick pic and through him back, but by the time I got to flicking again they had moved off… bugger…

I took a break and chopped up 2 whole sambos, I had caught last session, for burly. After that, and cleaning my bonnie, I decided I’d have a few more casts then head off. After about 15min of nothing I got a small bump on my lure and struck into something, then felt nothing so continued to retrieve hoping for a second strike that never came. Instead slowly my rod loaded, then me and the fish realised we were connected and, ZZZzzzzzzz….. WTF is this?!? The first run went fast for about 6sec, then it turned back and I had to wind like a maniac to keep any tension… Then it changed its mind again and ZZZZzzzzz another horizon bound run… now me and one of the boys that just arrived start to speculate. He called king, I figured maybe a tuna. Finally we see a flash of silver, then ZZZZzzzz…. After that each run was shorter and I gained more line between and it turned out to be the biggest bonito I’ve seen! Stoked!! It went 3kg and 63cm, it bent my split ring into all sorts of weird shapes… but obviously it held out J

A long day of slow fishing with a good fish in the end, at about 4pm hahaha

Tight lines,






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What a horse of a bonnie, great catch would of been a great fight. Pitty about the bigger kingies. Reminds me of a few yrs back the same thing happen on a ledge but they hanged around for us to catch. Monsters they were.

Edited by General Zod
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Sydneys eastern suburbs, conditions are calm in this pic, I've been hit with some shocker waves here and not bothered fishing it plenty of days. The tide level and swell are what make the pic look good other times, swell 1.4 SE from middle of the run in tide, the rock is covered by water every set.

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Tends to be safest in the afternoon North Easterlies.

Been thinking of getting down there. Do you climb down or walk down the boulder area? I've been wondering how safe the climb down is now.

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