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Forster Probream


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Spent the weekend at the 4th round of the Forster Pro Bream. Here are a few points about the weekend.

1) The weather was completely stuffed and made it very difficult to fish.

2) There is a lot to learn about Bream fishing !

3) There is a big gap between my skills and the champion angler...

4) If it is legal... get it weighed.

5) When the weather and fishing are tough, it still beats bieng at work.

We arrived at Forster on Friday night to rain, wind and cold tempretures, it seemed to get worse the closer we came to the location of the 4th ProBream round to be held on the beautiful Wallis Lakes in and around Forster.

I didn't have a plan of attack as i had never fished the area before, only had some local tips, and old fisho knowledge of the area, all where based on bait fishing so where not much help at all to me. I just thought that i would do what i normally do, fish as many areas as possible, keep an eye on the other boats and see where they where targeting.

The first session on the Saturday was cancelled due to the 40-50Kts NW winds... There where a few dissapointed faces at 5:30am in the morning... not suprisingly. The organisers told us to be back at 12:30 to see if the wind had abated. It hadn't really, but there where some very keen anglers to get on the water, me bieng one of them. We set off at 12:45 and headed for the leases to see what we could muster... Unfortunately not a lot, Lisa pulled a small 27cm specimen from the weed beds using an Ecogear Paramax 3" Grub in the watermelon black speck colour. It was measured and recoreded then put back. (Lesson learnt, should have taken in for weigh in)

The wind continued to blow, and caused havoc, my electric is not up to holding my boat in these conditions, we tried a few areas, in and around the leases, around weedy beds, sand bars and around the jetties and wharves. Not another hit, bump or strike to be seen... To say i was dissapointed would be an understatement. We headed back to the caravan park, as the wind had dried my throat beyond what beer i had could sooth.

At the afternoon weigh in session, about 40 fish where weighed, the bigggest bieng 980gm. So there was fish bieng caught, just not by us!

The wind did not let up all night, and was still blowing a stiff 20-30Kts in the morning, it was easing, but there was a small boat warning due for midday, once again the weather was causing havoc! We headed out for the final session on the Sunday to see if we could improve our dismal efforts on the Saturday arvo...

I changed the attack to try and get out of the wind, we used the leeward side to hide from the weather, and found a good looking bay that had leases, weed beds and drop offs. As the previous hours had been, no Bream showed up (or we where doing something wrong). We threw everything we had at the water, to only land a few undersized lizards. At least we where onto something here. As the morning moved on, so the wind picked up and we headed back an hour early to watch the rest come and way their catches. The Sunday session prooved a little more prosperous and the biggest fish went over 1.1 kg, a healthy looking bream in anyones books.

We hung around for the presentation, Lisa managed to pick up an encouragement award, as 1 of only two female anglers in the tournament, and a nice bottle of red wine to go for her troubles!!

We headed home and stopped in the Hunter River for one last quick session since the weather was PERFECT now... typical... Lisa again outfished me and landed a very healthy 57cm Flathead that became Monday nights dinner.

Thanks to Chris and the boys who organise the NSW ProBream. Looking forward to the next round at the tough Port Stephens in late October.

Since we caught nothing respectable, i have only pictures of the lovel Wallis Lakes...



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Hey Woz, I've been waiting to hear how you went. I didn't have any luck down here last weekend either due to the mad wind. Got up for the early on Saturday to be greeted by a blustery grey morning, needless to say, I went back to bed.

At the very least you had a go, and got some more experience in the comps. And the bonus that you've got a week away from the pickle factory :biggrin2: .

It's a bit of a worry that Lisa is outfishing you. That's why I don't take my :wife: fishing cause she'd probably jag a few and give me heaps. :074:

Enjoy the rest of the week. At least the weather is reasonable at the moment.



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As for the PS event......

Are you thinking of heading up?


Thinking about it at this stage. I have got a fair bit on over the next couple of months but I am hoping to slot it in.

I have never fished PS before so I would be flying blind ....... again :biggrin2: .

Any idea how long it would take to get from the Marina at Nelson Bay (I assume thats where the start is) to Karuah??

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