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Sydney Harbour Kings Saturday 28th


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So over the last few weeks I've put in 3 nights of squidding and sleeping on the boat and another 2 sessions for not a single legal king.

To say I'm going through a dry spell is an understatement, as annoyed and tired as I was with it I decided to head Friday night, fill the tank with squid and sleep on the boat.

So headed out and within 2 mins of the ramp there were white bait getting smashed by mac tuna. Had a quick cast on my way past and hooked up on the 6lb gear and eventually got him to te boat. Not a bad start I thought.

Not to waste time left the bait ball and started squidding, was really hard to get the squid and only ended up with about 8 big aarows before deciding to sleep.

Woke up in the morning and grabbed a few yakkas just incase I hit a feeding frenzy and off I went to downrig.

Tried a few spots and ended up finding them, landed 3 or 4 between 65 and 70. The dry spell is broken haha, with one in the esky I decided to look for hoods as that's what I'm really after.

Last spot I tried I put a bait down which lasted about 10secs before the reel is screaming, nice 74cm fish. Ended up keeping another fish which was bleeding badly and the hook had torn down his stomach, I normally don't like taking more than one but it's a bit cruel to out back a fish you know will slowly die.

I think I ended up getting about 8-9 fish all above 70 and popped a few tags in them before leaving them biting.

Oh and sorry for the ugly head in the last photo haha





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Lol thanks guys!

Frags it's really the only way to get enough squid for the day. Unless your good enough to get 15 squid or so in the morning. I'm not that good lol.

If your unsure of how to do an all nighter or have any questions let me know more than happy to help, I quite like doing it to be honest, I sleep quite well and it's just like camping really, turn the radio on have a few beers and catch some squid quite peaceful really. Although there is a couple of regular guys I know who do it in the same spot as I do and we have a good chat while squidding.

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Lol thanks guys!

Frags it's really the only way to get enough squid for the day. Unless your good enough to get 15 squid or so in the morning. I'm not that good lol.

If your unsure of how to do an all nighter or have any questions let me know more than happy to help, I quite like doing it to be honest, I sleep quite well and it's just like camping really, turn the radio on have a few beers and catch some squid quite peaceful really. Although there is a couple of regular guys I know who do it in the same spot as I do and we have a good chat while squidding.


Bit of a seasoned camper so I am pretty ok in that area... Not such a good sleeper on the boat though but then again I only ever get a few hours the night before a fishing trip anyway so not that important really.

I was considering night squidding at the Spit Bridge and then just motoring up into Bantry Bay where passing boat traffic is not an issue. There should be an empty mooring mid week.

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Fair enough, yea that's where I squid , I sleep at clontarf on a mooring in there, I've had the squid die before by sleeping upstream where the water isn't as clean

Good point.... hard to keep the buggers alive at the best of times!

Look the wrong way at 'em and they drop dead!



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