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Turning the tables


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G'day Raiders,

Hope everyone had a great Easter.

I headed out with Trevor again today chasing Blackfish, at a sneaky little spot in Balmain.

It was a place neither of us had fished before, so it was pretty much speculating.

It was a slow start, but after an hour or so I got the first touch, and managed to pull the hook on a small fish. A short time later I'm on again, to a decent fish, that was soon in the keeper net.

From high tide the bite came more consistently, at least they did for me. I pulled the hook on another,

Busted off on 2 at the net in the rocky shoreline, and landed 2 more.

Trevor was having an issue with his reel when his float went under. He tried to bring it in by hand, but the fish got in under the rocks and that was that.

Things this time weren't going his way, but I'm happy to say he came good and landed a nice fish before we packed it in.

Although we didnt get heaps they were quality fish, and the ones that busted off at the net were bigger.


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Guest hawkesbass

I took it easy on you today andrew.

Nah im just joking we all have those days.

Besides the sugeons on sat and the bream,trevally,black trevally and snapper on sunday night kept me entertained this weekend.

The spot will be worth returning too

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