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silly prawning questions


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hi there

i have done some reading to try and get as much knowlage about prawning -

and i see the darkest the night the better - i see new moon is set for the 19th for south coast but that is a sunday and we are heading home then - is it worth having ago two days before like friday or sat night? will it be dark enough?

dose the time of night matter? or should i be focusing on tide more then anything?

tides will be running out from dark onwards (would rather have ago at 7rather then 10pm)

i have all the gear and my old man wants to have ago

just wanna cross the Ts and dot th Is so im not wasting time

cheers guys

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Hey mate. I never ever prawn on a new moon. Best days is always 3-5 days either side of new moon so will be perfect for you. The later the better. I tend to find if you can coincide a runout tide starting to run about 9ish i clean uo from about 10-3.

Good luck!!!

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