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Port Hacking Tailor


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Hey Guys,

Hit the hacking solo today with no plans . On the water at 2pm, then spent half an hour chasing squid to no avail.

Maritime was on the water today which was fantastic to see after spending a summer on the hacking watching absolute d***heads keeping mass amounts of undersized kingies.

They did however inform me that i needed to be wearing a life jacket while solo in a boat of my size. That was a bummer as my only lifejacket was the HUGE yellow foam ones... With them ducking around the corner from lilli pilli I decided to stay in at the baths there and just tie up to a mooring where I would have a bit of freedom to take it off for a bit.

Still no real plans but set up a paternoster rig with pillies and dropped it down in about 20m of water. Now normally the bait would get picked at straight away by little pinkies but not today. Got a little dissapointed at this stage thinking maybe it was gonna be a donut day until I got a tap tap struck and I was on.... for all of 15 seconds. Brought it up to find no hook. Re-tied, re-tried and same thing happened.

Tied on larger gauge long shanks after this and from there, the fishing started.

Brought up a nice 36cm tailor to start the session and they just didnt stop!

Was getting a fish just about every drop from there until the end of the session.

There were 2 boats of young guys just watching in awe, after they hadnt been able to get anything. I got them to bring their boat right up next to me and drop down but they just didnt have the gear to fish 20m deep while drifting. Ended up giving them a couple they could take home though which had them very happy.

The big one came right at the end as last fish and went 51cm :)

The 2 (what im assuming are) watsons leaping bonito came in on a really light outfit just free spooling a piece of pilly down. Man these things went hard. Ive caught heaps of bonito before and I know they are obviously very similar but these things kept going when from my experience bonito get lazy and just tail thump in circles.

Also a 31cm snapper and 34cm trevally to make a nice mixed bag.


Had a great afternoon and although Ive been doing very well land based on the georges river, nothing beats being out on the water in Port Hacking, Such a nice system and of course a session like this is a bonus

Edited by sebcox
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