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Drummer Central coast


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Really wat to learn to catch drummer . just wondering if there is anyone on the coast that could team up with me and show me a few things ? i no where the spots are and ive watched the guys before , ive tryd and just can not get one besides rock fish . i no to berly right up etc but im doing somthing wrong .


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Hey Bretto,

Firstly are you land based or on a boat. either way a good option is unweighted frozen nippers which have worked for me before, try to cast them just past the wash but even if you don't you're still in with a chance but be aware that wrass and others might also take your bait.



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Cheers mate . I'm land based I've tried the float rig but tend to stick to the simple small sinker straight to small hook rig . Berley up with bread and use cungie and bread for bait etc .. need to fish with experienced

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The running sinker to the hook is the way to go. I've only caught probably 30 drummer in my lifetime all various sizes. What i recommend is don't cast out too far the fish are at your feet waiting to eat whatever is washed into them off the rocks by the waves. I find peeled prawns

work well. I also use a No 2 bait holder hook

Edited by ambrose607
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Burley some bread up in small hand fulls. Soak the bread before throwing it in the water. Green peeled prawns or cook prawns for bait. Small pea sinker on a running rig with a size 4 bait holder should see you catch a few drummer. Just make sure to have a supply of sinkers and hooks as your bound to lose a lot of gear.

Just make sure to check the wind and swell before you fish the rocks. And make sure you have the safety equipment and gear before you venture out on the rocks. Also never fish alone.

Edited by Novicefisherman
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To me the rising tide is the best time, that's only my opinion. What i do notice is you can fish for an hour or so and only catch rubbish fish but then the drummer will come on they also go off the bite without warning. I find if there is the white suds on top of the water the better the catch rate. I fish for drummer at Port Kembla near the primary school. Have a look in the aquarium on this site there is a drummer that I caught you can see the hook and running sinker. Just remember this is only my observation and opinion i am by no means a drummer specialist LOL

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