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Luderick on the Northern Beaches


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Took advantage of the good weather, and not being 'on-call' for work to have a crack at getting some Luderick off the stones with the girlfriend yesterday. Great conditions with little swell and a NW breeze.

Found a nice flat spot and threw out a bigger rod with a yakka fillet incase something of decent size was in the area, but with spear fisho's about, there was fat chance of that happening. Sure enough - not a bite through the whole session.

Grabbed the small spin rod, picked up some cabbage from the area and dropped it in the wash under a float. No luck on the luderick, but half a dozen between us of whatever is in the pic (35-40cm). Can't remember what they are, so they all went back. Can someone id?

The girlfriend threw out some prawns on the heaver spin outfit, a few hits, but no hook-ups (cue swearing in Chinese! :wife: ).


Edited by iamthecowgodmoo
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We used to call them sea carp or cockies. Speared a few in the 70s when I was 11-12 years old because they were sitting ducks..........soon worked out they taste like crap and didn't deserve to be murdered by a trigger happy kid!

Just dawned on me that fittingly 'carp' and 'crap' are anagrams....

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