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G'day Raiders,

I am very, very keen to catch some Snapper, but need help from the more experienced members if I may.

Firstly what type of rod and reel setup I should get? I'd like a good outfit but nothing way over the top in price if at all possible.... Personally I prefer an eggbeater reel over the overhead setup, so any advice on that very much appreciated.

Now with catching Snapper, are they seasonal fish - or certain times of the year are better then others? Should the water temp be certain temp, are cloudy days better then say sunny days? etc etc
I know that they are found pretty much only around reefs, so I'll be needing a reef anchor for my boat, I have a new Lowrance Elite 7 with chirp so hopefully that will help me find some new reefs but I do know of one that I can try once I get the jist of what I'm doing.

Thanks heaps in advance.


Thanks Scratchie.

Appreciate the link mate. I am new to the area and I have read a few of your threads.... would love to have a beer with ya one day and pick your brains a little as you know how to catch all species and in all conditions.



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