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Twelve Mile Reef And Beyond 25/09


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Hi all,

well I got to go fishing again,this time I got to go out in my mate Grants new Bar crusher.My brother Dan came out this time and he kindly picked me up early (fishing anticpation= no sleep),and we got to Grants place where he asked me if I had actually slept ,seeing as we were early there as well.

We put in at Rose ville and howled on out to balmoral where we convinced 5 yakkas and a small trevally to come for a trip 24km outside.After logging in with the coastal patrol and heading out past south head in the (what I thought was left over slop) I called up Knapers and told him that "we are out about 2km and the seas are good they are only a couple of feet ,come on out mate".About 1km later we lost the influence that Ben Buckler was hiding from us and we now faced 1.5m seas and wind that was SW that was around the 18 knot mark :1yikes: .Lots of white horses........we ended up hanging on and trolling (ie wedging one self in the corner and freespooling lures out with one hand).I was having secound thoughts about getting our selves out there but as we were all MAD :wacko: keen we just hung on .Conditions had not improved by the time we got to the reef but we then thought what the hell,why not ?.Knapers who had followed us out there decided to stick with his plan "A" and kept on going out to Browns Mountain looking for yellow fin.Having a 6m Haines signature probably helped as well I guess.

We dropped the pick twice ,Having a few problems with positioning and getting set right,the current going one way and the wind going the other.The current was up and we needed 1lb of lead to get the bottom,but when we did get down it was like downtown Haymarket,China men every where.We ended up catching 29 and a few odds and sods.

A few hours later on had us Looking at the options ,I tried to call up Knapers to find out about all the yellowfin he and his dad had caught ,but the radio did not have the range (27mhz),hearing nothing and the seas looking decidedly lumpy we decided that some flathead might be the go and headed in to Bondi to try it out.A few drifts later we found that all the action from the flathead was in Real close,we picked up 11 ,1 blurter and a gurnard before calling it a day.

There was a heap of petrels,mutton birds and gannets working a current line about 2 km out , shadowing what seemed to be stripeys ,we trolled xmas trees but did not turn a reel.....a little dissapointing that was as a few stripeys would have really polished off what turned out to be a bloody good day out.Looking forwards to the next one.

Whats more ,the skipper even shouted us a beer when we got back!!. :thumbup:


Edited by REKLESS
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Average was around the 40cm mark I guess,Dan caught the biggest one which we didnt really worry about as no one had a camera to record any fish for bragging.

I reckon that thing that was being towed was either a dry dock or something to be used on the drilling platforms off the entrance.

I also found out where some of the yellowfin were.There is a report on the marlin bar about three Yellowfin that all went over the 100lb mark.The biggest was 55.2kg I think.All were caught on pushers,two were caught on one boat (double hookup) on 15kg line.The third one was caught by a guy who was .....Hung over from celebrating,by himself,in shitty conditions,....on 8kg line.Outstanding effort in anyones books.

Where were they you ask?,200fm off Kiama (the canyons).

Quick lets go!! :thumbup:

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Hmm ,slim pickings on the yellowfin front over the last weekend .I was listening in to Hi tide with Ross hunter saying that they picked up two small yellowfin for a full days trolling .

Blue cod,what did it eat ?,and did you battle the current out at browns for bottom ooglies?.

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Hmm ,slim pickings on the yellowfin front over the last weekend .I was listening in to Hi tide with Ross hunter saying that they picked up two small yellowfin for a full days trolling .

Blue cod,what did it eat ?,and did you battle the current out at browns for bottom ooglies?.


It ate a 9" pink skirt [unknown brand] and Yep the bottom at Brown's produced a 25 lb Blue-eyed Cod, a 9 lb Gemfish and a big nannygai - there's also oceanic toads out there as well - lost about 600 metres of dacron to the little blighters :mad3:

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Arghhhh the Dreaded scum of the ocean,GREEN TOADS :1badmood::1badmood::ranting2: .I have lost some nice fish to those cursed things.Good to hear that you had sucess out at Browns on the bottom Blue cod.

I was thinking about a trip out to the canyons off Norah head,I will put the thread up on the Fish chat ,input appreciated.


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Arghhhh the  Dreaded scum of the ocean,GREEN TOADS


Without doubt - In one of the fish we caught was this really bright emerald green bile. I think it was in the gut of the 'fin.

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