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Anyone own a Stessl Trophy 530 or 560?


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Hiya people,

Just wondering if anyone owns a Stessly Trophy 530 or 560?

I'm looking at purchasing one but not sure if the extra 30cm is worth the $5000!

Also wondering for anyone that does how they like it?

I'll be using mine for fishing and scuba diving. I really like the rear walk through section and ladder on the new Stessl Trophys making it a lot easier to get out of the water and get the gear in as well.

My wife and I did a full day out on a fishing charter in Hervey Bay last Christmas and it was fantastic chasing Mac Tuna and Golden Trevelly. The boat we were on was a centre console with a casting deck. It was great.

I tried contacting the dealers down here but no one has one in stock and I really want to take one out for a test drive to see what they are like. Looks like I might have to take a trip up to the Gold Coast to see and test drive one.

Or next time I'm in Hervey Bay get Heavy Duty Plate Boats to custom make me one haha.




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Hi Nick,

Good luck with your choice, I hope you really enjoy it. As far as size, it's not just the length of the boat to consider. Generally going up to that next size means it's longer, wider, more internal space, made of heavier material, weighs more can carry greater horse power on the back. The extra size will improve ride and comfort and if your going off shore with a couple of people and dive gear all of the above really matters. On the down side, larger is more to tow, cost a bit more to run, harder to store etc but If it was me and the larger boat was within budget I would definitely go bigger...Cheers.........


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Thanks Dave,

I was actually looking at 6m+ boats and thought there is a limit.. I know most people will laugh and say you can never have too big or too powerful a boat but I want something that will easily tow and be relatively easy for me to do it all by myself. The only trouble is I am going to have to fly to Tweed Heads to see one as no one in Sydney has one for me to see and test drive.

I just found a company called Heavy Duty Plate Boats in Hervey Bay and have emailed them asking for a quote. They are a custom boat building company by the looks of them so I might even be able to get a few custom diving extras added depending on their price.

Anyway there's no rush so I'll take my time and get something that suits all my needs.

Thanks again Dave



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