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Almost there...


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Hi All,
Haven't posted in months and months due winter, work travel & having no boat!
Since the storms that took out my last boat I'm finally close to getting the new to me boat out onto the water. I removed the outboard from my old boat and sold the boat and trailer only. I then purchased my new hull (16ft easyrider half cab) & trailer which put me out of pocket around $200.

I have installed a new steering cable and control cables, rewired the whole boat & trailer & fitted the outboard. I'll soon be replacing the windows and cabin seats. I also need to find a way to bring the colour back to life. Cut and polish didn't do the trick!


The last few jobs will be adjustment of the control cables and skeg repair however I'll leave that up to a mechanic!
Hopefully I'll be back out by the end of August and back to writing up some reports!


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Nice work. If you figure out how to bring the colour back I'd love to hear it. The upper deck of my half can is very faded. On the meantime if you need a fishing fix pm me

Acetone brought out the white shine again so that shouldn't be hard. I think I'll need to hit the red with a very very smooth sand and regel coat it.

Or I'll just have it resprayed.

Cheers for the offer if I have to keep waiting I might take you up on that.

Might see you at the RSL for a pint!

Your old boat is still at my place. Not 100% sure what to do with it yet

but I need to start making room ;-)

Yeah I'll try make it down sometime soon. Living where I am now it's a bit of a treck.

With a bit of work you can easily get your money back on that boat. I think about that trailer almost daily though. Such a good trailer.

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Skeg repaired & motor tuned & ready.

it currently getting fiberglass repairs so I'll be picking it up sometime this weekend.

Any idea's what I need to paint onto my new skeg to protect it / Do I need to paint it at all?





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