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Any sign of schools of salmon


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I think at this time in some previous years there have been large schools of salmon common around Barrenjoey or Sydney Heads. I've been looking out for them lately but haven't seen any - looking from land that is.

A non-fishing friend did tell me he say a vast school of surface fish off Clontarf recently. Sounded like salmon.

Are these schools around this year ??



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I don't think they've headed in to the estuaries properly yet, they're still mostly bunched up around the beaches and heads. Last year, September was the month when they were most prominent in the estuaries. We had a lot of fun in the mornings grabbing them off the surface when busting up.

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I don't think they've headed in to the estuaries properly yet, they're still mostly bunched up around the beaches and heads. Last year, September was the month when they were most prominent in the estuaries. We had a lot of fun in the mornings grabbing them off the surface when busting up.

Yep, thats the sortof action I was looking for.



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