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Here We Are..


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Hey Everyone,

Well after many years of being boatless and ristricted to land fishing my father and I have taken the plunge and bought a new boat. :thumbup:

After countless hours of reading your posts and Ken's great advice via email we purchased a new Quintrex 445 Hornet Trophy with a 60hp Yammie. :1prop:

The long 5 week wait begins :( until its arrival.

I just want to say thanks and my appreciation of your past posts which answered alot of our questions without us even having to ask.

Hopefully now that we have joined this site my father and I can add to the quality of the info on this site.....

Or we could just get DRUNK.... :beersmile::beersmile:


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:1welcomeani: Stephen

Enjoy the 5 week wait, the anticipation will only get greater as that day approaches. Great timing for summer.Theres something about sitting in a boat fishing that seem s to wash the troubles of the world away.

Looking forword to you posting some pics.

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Congrats on the new boat.. Now begins the endles cycle... Soon I am sure you will be saying my favourite line from Jaws....

I think we need a bigger boat

That boat should fly with the 60hp on the back.. My glass cuddy flies with the 60...

Good luck with it mate


Edited by blawler
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Thanks Guys,

Main reason why it took so long to post was simply because of the amount of reading I have been doing when researching boats and motors. Now that is all sorted you will never shut me up. :biggrin2:

As soon as it is in the water I will grab some pics and post them up...


After much reading and getting peoples opions we went with the 4 stroke Yammie. The 60 HP option was not totally based on the speed but the fact it has to move two big blokes around on the water. :1prop:


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