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Friday the 13, harbour


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Today's plan was get yakkas get a couple of squid for a feed and a couple for bait, then go get a King. Easy!

So, first stop spit bridge to see what's going on, hmm no squid but plenty of yakkas. 4 in the tank and off to squid spot 1, it was starting to get light by now, squid spot 1 failed and seemed a bit murky so off to squid spot 2, same deal so into the harbour proper and into some cooler and hopefully cleaner water. I've never actually fished Squid spot 3 and it failed, ok squid spot 4, again never fished but got a squid, dropped a squid then got a second. At the same time landed a mid 40s lizard on a lazy rig out the back. Sweet looking good, pressure is off.

So time to start fishing. Headed past wash away beach and into the corner near the huts, still looking for another squid, with a live yakka out, after a while the yakka has a bit of a moment and starts acting a bit used up. Switched him out for a squid, sorry kids, a couple of minutes later zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz we're on.

76cm on board.

Back to squid spot 1 and it's a bit cleaner with the tide. 2 more squid and mission accomplished.

I'll get a pic up later, not working for me at the mo

Edited by stevefish
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The squiddings been tough at the moment , Good on you in persisting in getting live squid . It made all the difference at the end of the day ! Well done mate !!

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