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Another day on the murky Brisbane Water


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I hit the water with my friend Simon this morning at 5 am. Conditions were good inside - so we motored towards the heads to see what it was looking like outside. One peek was all it took for us to agree that it would be a better day to stay inside.

We did a few drifts in the channel by half tide rocks with fewer hits on bait than normal and none at all on the softies. I'm guessing that the murky water was a factor in that. I did pick up a nice flattie of 45 cms on one of the drifts, followed by Simon picking up a 40 cm model shortly after. However the current and wind were doing strange things and we were getting frequent tangles - so we decided to head further in for a more stable drift.

We then did a few drifts by Orange Grove. I had been working one bait rod and one SP by half tide rocks, but by Orange Grove I swapped out the plastics rod with one rigged for whiting, so I had one rod with pillies rigged for drifting for flathead and the other rod with lighter line rigged to be more actively fished with a prawn bait for whiting. This proved to be a good move as I picked up a second flattie of about 42cm and caught a number of undersized whiting and snapper. I was getting hit every drop on the prawns, but just could not find anything big enough.

Simon was still in search of a second fish for his dinner so we headed out in front of Rip Bridge for another drift. We pulled in a number of snapper there but all around the 23-25cm mark with a few the size of gold fish thrown in for a laugh.

Needing to head in soon we went for another drift in an eddy by Booker Bay. Pulled in a few more small snapper and then persistence paid off and Simon pulled in a 27cm bream right on the bell.

We headed back in, happy to have had a ball catching lots of fish and both come home with feed.

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