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Game of Thrones

sam bros

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He's dead Sam, but maybe he can return as a white walker or something,lol. There have been quite a few unexpected twists and turns in this story, like who would have thought Sean Bean would exit the show so soon, and then John Snow's love interest 'that thing you do with your tongue' getting killed. In the book series John Snow wasn't killed so that maybe something to go on but what I do know for sure is that it is a great show and I have to be very quiet while it is on 'for the entirety of the show' or else I'm in the doghouse,lol

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Jim i think his supply is now floating down the river! Imagine how long it would of actually taken to take the longboats inland.

What a great idea to lift the boats up the cliff face... even off his face he can think out of the box!

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He's not dead. The fire chick raises him from the dead and then he marches on winter fell. He needed to die for his nights watch reign to end.

I still support the theory that he is the bastard son of the mad King, making him darnerys half brother. Where they raise an army together and take over westeros.

So I might be a slight fan hahaha

Vikings is awesome! Too many shrooms for Ragnar though ahaha hahhaa

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Loved the spoilers and will now rely that info to the wife and be in the doghouse for weeks,lol. Vikings I have only watched a few episodes but it is good so will get the DVD's and watch from the beginning.

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