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Batemans Bay


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Hi Chris,

Spent a few nights on a houseboat with some mates a couple of weeks ago, had a great time and the fishing was pretty good.

There are a couple of moorings just upstream of Big Island, on the left hand side as your travelling up river, that are a good over night option. Late afternoon, through the night and early morning we caught jewfish, bream, flathead and whiting while tied up. You can pump nippers from the sand banks just back down stream at the mouth of Buckenbowra Creek. It is adjacent to a sanctuary zone but you will see the sign. The sand flats are legal to pump bait as they are outside the zone. Live bait such as yakkas and slimies can be caught back towards town around the wharf. Batemans Bay bridge is also producing a few jewfish.

If heading offshore, the snapper have been on, close inshore early morning and late afternoon. A few kingfish about as well. Squid have been plentiful on the inshore reefs and really give your live baits a hammering, so pack some squid jigs too. Hope the tips help and good luck with the trip, Send me a PM when the time gets closer and I'll give you a heads up on what's happening. Cheers.........


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