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sam bros

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Hi Raiders,

Been wanting to target hairtail for a while now. Due to uni exams I missed the hairtail social.

But now exams are over decided I would give it a go over the weekend

Been reading up on targeting hairtail a lot on fishraider and watching many fishing shows

So general consensus is that JB or WB is the way to go. Gonna check out both and then decide on one location and stick it out for the night.

Don't want any specific locations but what am I looking for on the sounder, should I anchor up in a hole or look for specific structure along the bottom or just tie off to a mooring and hope for the best?

Can I catch yakka at JB or WB, or do I need to go catch yakka elsewhere and then come back

Also does anyone use stinger hooks on the ganged pillies to increase hook up rates?

If so how do you connect the stinger to the gangs

Thanks in advance

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If you are chasing your first hairtail then WB seemed to hold more fish than JB. Although the fish in JB seemed to be bigger!

I would suggest to just grab a mooring at WB. Take a block of pilchards. Drop down about 6-10m with a gang hook, don't worry about a stinger. Burley up and wait! It won't be long before your on!

Although, chasing hairtail can be an all night thing and you never know when the bite is going to be!

Good luck!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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