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Lowrance Elite 9 CHIRP Combo


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The depth will depend more on the transducer than the unit.

The units tend to come with 83/200 transducers usually, these top out before 200m deep.

The 50/200 transducer will get you to around 600 but target discrimination will be average.

For reliable deep water stuff you really need to move up to something like a 1kw AIRMAR unit (like the TM160)

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It's all down to transducer.

To do it properly you'll need the AIRMAR transducer, which is $1500 on its own. You'll also need a head unit which has a 1kw output power which the entry level lowrance ones can't do.

You MIGHT be able to achieve that depth with the 50/200 transducer but I don't think you'll be able to distinguish targets on the bottom properly (assuming you want it to fish gem's).

If you're going to be out at Browns and the shelf regularly, keep saving and get a 1kw transducer. If you're going only once or twice a year and just want to know how deep it is, try your luck with the 50/200 transducer.

As far as head units, you want one with proper bottom lock, from memory the lowrance elite range only zooms in on the bottom, it doesn't re-scale the images.

Maybe look at the Ti range or the Simrad GO. Otherwise look at the FURUNO range.

But it really depends on what kind of fishing you do and how serious you are about fishing deep.

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