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Overhead or spin?


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Hey guys

Want to chase some big kings this summer I've never used overhead reels before so unsure weather I should make the change or buy a big spin reel.

Wasn't really wanting to break the bank on this one. Looking for a bulletproof Rod and Reel for live baiting and trolling under $400 (exc braid).

Suggestions on brands/models and pros/cons on overheads/spin reels would be appreciated.


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I used to use overheads for years but now prefer spin reels for almost every thing. My daughter has knocked over tuna to 60kg and kings over 20 kg on her Saragossa 8000 and Marlin to 80kg on the bigger 25000.



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I used to use overheads for years but now prefer spin reels for almost every thing. My daughter has knocked over tuna to 60kg and kings over 20 kg on her Saragossa 8000 and Marlin to 80kg on the bigger 25000.



Great pic John. What rod is that?

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Great pic John. What rod is that?

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It's a little jigging master ocean devel, she's knocked over some good fish on those short parabolic rods.


This is her with the 10000 Saragossa on bluefin

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Great clip mate! Big freaking tuna too!

What model rod are you running with the saragosa?

Do you live bait or troll with it?

What brand and pound braid do you run?


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The little yellow one (with the kingy) is a JM 53s light but I dare say in the hands of someone stronger than her it may be to light. The other one with the tuna is an older 300g powerspell, we have quite a few JM rods as we got fed up of breaking rods on light king outfits. There are plenty of YouTube videos of monster kings being taken on very light JM rods, even though they look like kids rods!!

There are now lots of lightweight parabolic rods on the market from most manufacturers many a huge amount cheaper than the JM gear. My JM rods get used for everything from bait bashing to pulling lures, I hope to get my daughter into a broadbill on one soon.

Most of my outfits have 40 lb braid, don't see much point in going heavier line if we only use around 15 lb drag max, besides most braids break well over the stated strength. I usually put a mamoi 50 lb mono leeder on top and bellow the braid to stop any slip on the spool, mamoi diamond 50 actulally breaks over 80 lb ( don't know why they call it 50).

On my biggest Saragossa (25000) I have 400m of 65lb braid topped off with about 100m of mamoi 50lb, this gets used for chassing marlin.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rO3f6RWjFIk

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I went through the same decision process a month ago. Wanted a rig for bigger Kings. Have been doing well on them and so far have caught three this season but none larger than 70cm. I have been using a Kaiten (Blue) Gomoku with a 3000 Stradic. But I want t target some bigger fish and in particular I want to try off JB.

My selection was for an overhead setup with the Daiwa Lexa 300 Left Hand Reel. Major handicap being a left winder with overhead, the selection is very limited. Lexa has over 10kg of drag which should be plenty. I have paired it with the Gomoku Kadachi (Black PE2-4). This rig should have enough stopping power for good size Kings. Will no doubt come unstuck if I get a really good one but think it will handle 80% maybe more of the Kings I am likely to hook into.

Have not tried it out yet but theory is I want to use slow jig lures and I love how these parabolic rods behave in a good fight. So much fun. My Kaiten with 3000 Stradic handles 70cm Kings very effectively, but still gives me a good buzz.

Have been there done that with the big reel and broomstick. Much more enjoyment fishing with light weight parabolic rods and smaller reels. If you lose then it kind of adds to the heart thumping fun.

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I've also had some solid kings on a little c4 Stradic 4000 up to 90cm, not that I would deliberately target them on that gear but when you hook the odd one snapper fishing there's not much choice.

There are some serious sized kings lurking around JB that will even smash heavy gear if you can't get the fish away from structure quickly.


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Thanks for the reply.

I've got a stradic 5000 spoooled with 20lb braid on a blue gomoku. Love this setup but it's my jigging rod and I'm really looking for something for live baiting or trolling: set and forget. Anyone heard anything about the penn spinfisher? This is my budget alternative to a saragosa which I am trying to resist at the moment (I will probably end up giving in soon). Also, for live baiting I've never actually used a baitrunner style of reel - any recommendations on this?


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