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How to keep Baitfish in an Aquarium


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Hi raiders,


My wife has decommissioned her 6 foot freshwater aquarium and I thought wouldn't it be nice to have somewhere to put those leftover poddies and yakkas etc for next time.


Can anyone help me out with ideas and advice please?





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How long would you be looking to keep them for?

My guess is that a few yakkas/gars/random baitfish should be ok for a few days in a tank provided it has aeration and enough room.

I'd also love to do this! Has anyone had any experience with this?

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I would think that you have to filter as much water as possible. So probably will need a Sump of about 20% the capacity of your tank. I don't think fancy lighting will be necessary. Might need a heater to keep temp stable. And air pump is must specially if you are going to have a large number off fish or bigger yakkas

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saltwater is notoriously difficult to maintain I believe but don't quote me due to the nitrogen and ammonia cycle being different to freshwater requiring a more intense filtration system, I had a similar vision some years ago with mullet which apparently are not unkillable they only lasted about a day

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I usually catch poddy mullet a week or two prior to fishing any competition and have no problems just keeping them in a large bucket with a 240 volt aquarium airator. water gets dirty quickly and I do a complete water change every 2 to 3 days. important to keep in shade preferably inside like a garage and make sure water temp equalises before swapping water. keeping in aquarium with a decent large capacity filter would be easier.

I have also found that trap caught mullet keep better than hook caught ones.

I also keep small yakkas this way but usually only for 2 or 3 days.

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