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Pittwater and Narrabeen Overnight


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Went out at about 9pm on Wednesday Night, with live poddy mullet in the bucket to Careel Bay Wharf. Put out a couple of live mullet in the hope of picking up a lurking flatty (or pretty much anything would be nice) and set about casting squid jigs across the lights. Stayed until about 4am. Had lots of mullet come back bitten in half. We tried hooking through the shoulder and then tried further back a little before the tail, but kept being bitten off half way. Sadly, the little guys don't seem to survive very well with two hooks in the back. Managed to pick up a fair size eel of about a metre, which is what I suspect was biting off our mullets. He promptly went back in the drink. Picked up a yellowfin pike on one of the mullet and since he went belly up when returned to the water, he became a strip bait for later. In the meantime we picked up a couple of squid, and one went out as a bait under a float. Had something take the squid for a good run, but no hookup, despite having a hook in both the head and hood =[. Sad times. Pretty much went quiet when a couple of commercial fishers moored up and started clearing their nets and throwing stuff to the pelicans... for at least an hour =[. Realised late in the night, that the wharf has a no fishing sign, which faces the water?! So didn't see that you're not supposed to fish there, so I guess we won't be going back =[. Left at 4am with 6 squid to take home which ended up as salt and pepper squid later. 

Then at about 5:30am we headed out to Narrabeen Beach to try to pick up something to take home. Swell was a bit rough so it was a bit tricky to hold ground and the hopes of putting a live mullet out in the gutter for a flatty soon faded. Still, out went the 3 big rods, baited up with strips of pike and surf poppers and finally at around 7am in came an Aussie Salmon on the surf popper. Bled immediately and into the ice. I've been meaning to try it as sashimi. Sadly, nothing else to speak of at the beach, despite sending out a few salted yakkas on gangs, so at about 8:30am we called it quits and packed up. 

The squid was delicious and it was actually our first time catching squid. I just tried the salmon sashimi and it's not bad. No stronger in taste than the trevally sashimi I made not long ago, and with a little soy and wasabi is quite pleasant. Certainly a nice way to use this oft disregarded fish, provided you treat it well upon catch. Will let you know tomorrow if I survive!

Attached a quick pick of us preparing the S+P Squid. Sorry about the lack of other photos.


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