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Central Coast Sojourne


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I got persuaded this weekend to put the plastics away and get back to the basics.... "a bit of beach fishing therapy" they said, "it'll do ya the world of good. Should get some whiting as well". Tell you the truth i was a little skepical, my experince told me that whiting wouldn't peak for a few months yet. Maybe my worth to this trip would be about say $1.25c a litre seeing as the company pays the bills. Anyway off to the central coast we go... with a full bucket of nippers in tow. :biggrin2:

First beach we tried only produced two undersize flats and one big luderick... bloody crabs were having a field day diggin our baits in the sand. "Oh well" they said, "must be the wrong conditions, not enough wave action. Let's try another beach". The skepticisim was building further. Next beach same bloody thing, undersize flats, small dart and some foul hooked sand crabs. This was a joke, therapy they said, yeh right, i needed therapy from the beach fishing (which to tell you the truth i don't particularly like very much, especially when i have a brand new boat sitting in the garage). :ranting2:

Back to Sydney we came, poor results and fishing still on my mind. So sure enough off to Brisbane Waters we go to try and snare a jew landbased. The miles sure were clockin up by now so thanks Telstra for your ongoing support to my fishing madness. Anyway, caught the livies and deployed four lines. The activity on the water suggested that a jew was imminent, bait was breakin the surface and we couls see the predators flashing up on the attack. From what i could see was a jew chasing these things. No jew, sorry to tell ya's,but what it was was tailor, and big ones at that... around 3kg. They saved the day... and a lond day at that.

Would do it all again tomorrow if i had the chance :yahoo:

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Guest hottuna

thats fishing, in the warmer months for ya.

A little tip re the crabs, either keep your baits moving ie very very slowly reel you bait back, or fit a small size bean bag ball (more for heavier baits) to get you bait just off the bottom. It works very well....the crabs will leave you alone


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thanks mate, i will try that. But i won't be hittin the suds anytime in the near future, too many fish in the bay at the moment that need my attension. :074:

Besides i find the whole bait fishing thing a little boring for my liking.

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thanks mate, i will try that. But i won't be hittin the suds anytime in the near future, too many fish in the bay at the moment that need my attension. :074:

Besides i find the whole bait fishing thing a little boring for my liking.

hehe u make me laugh kevvie,

gr8 report.. ur a SP'S boy thru nd thru aye :074:

cheers steve

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thats fishing, in the warmer months for ya.

A little tip re the crabs, either keep your baits moving ie very very slowly reel you bait back, or fit a small size bean bag ball (more for heavier baits) to get you bait just off the bottom. It works very well....the crabs will leave you alone


A red water bomb balloon slighty filled with air is the go for stuff like pilchards, attach it to the top hook. tailor go nuts over them too.

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Hey Kevvie

Any chance of some insider trading with the location of those tailor in brisbane waters? 3kg is a bloody good tailor!

I've tried a fair few spots around there since I moved up this year and I'm still catching next to nothing every time I go out. (landbased).



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