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Bonito in the Hawkes


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Hey Raiders,

Have mostly been fishing for jews lately but decided to take the boat out and chase pelagics. Left home a bit before 4am and was at my squid spot by 5. Got a little arrow squid and a big calimari around sunrise then decided it was time to fish for the bigger stuff. 

Initially wanted to use the squid for kings but I wasnt certain as to where to go to chase kings, as i was sounding out possible kingy spots, saw some fish on the surface near lion island. Cast stuff at them but they didnt want anything. We decided to troll the headlands and beaches north east of lion island. Missed quite a few fish, including one which we called for a bonito as we lost it just under the boat. Kept trolling and all of a sudden found a good patch of bonito and got a frigate and bonito almost straight away. Dropped one or two more at the boat. Before we lost em. Kept trolling to find a school of tailor wide of putty beach, trolled around and caught 4 then decided to call it a day as the big winds arrived. 

It isnt quite the kingies i was dreaming about when i left home, but still an awesome day!






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12 minutes ago, Volitan said:

I know everyone probably thinks it's too trivial to comment, but I can't help myself. It's a mackerel tuna not a frigate.




Hmm, was a bit confused about that, i thought it was a watsons leaping bonito until my mate told me otherwise! 

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1 hour ago, Thekoi said:

What sort of set up were you using mate productive day too effort

Just running little spanyid raiders and some hard bodies (included a pic similar to what we were using because i cant remember the name of em) on 8-15lb line.572-hard-body-lures-14-gram-large-hard-b 

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12 hours ago, Volitan said:

I know everyone probably thinks it's too trivial to comment, but I can't help myself. It's a mackerel tuna not a frigate.




I get super confused differentiating these two species myself. I think the distinguishing feature is the faded black dot under the pec fins, is that right?

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2 hours ago, Mike89 said:

I get super confused differentiating these two species myself. I think the distinguishing feature is the faded black dot under the pec fins, is that right?

Watsons have stripes on the belly.

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There are a few other features-fin counts, gillrakers etc but if it has black dots its a Mack Tuna 100%. However Mack Tuna can also not have black dots but frigate mackeral never have black dots. Anything over about 2kg is going to be a mack tuna.

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