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Which Boat?


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Hi everyone,

This is my first post so i hope i'm in the correct spot. I need some advice from those who know about tinnie's. I have fished all my life both fresh water and salt but i have never owned a boat, whats more I know nothing about them :mellow:.  I will be moving to the Noosa area in a few months and i'm determined to get my hands on a good quality safe tinnie. One that I can use in the Noosa river and on the right day head out to a reef. I need to be able to launch the boat by my-self. I'm thinking around 10k. Here are some questions any help or advice would be great. 

1. What size boat 4.2mtr?

2. What size motor 25hp 30hp 40hp? Two stroke or four stroke? What make?

3. Is there any brands to stay away from? Any you recommend?

4. Should I go for a tiller steer or front steer? Is there any difference?

Thanks again any advice is really appreciated.

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