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First legal kingy on my Bday


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About time I gave my own review.

After many years chasing kingies land based (without any luck) I purchased a boat last year to get amongst it. It's been a steep learning curve but reading this and other fishing forums has given me an idea on how one would go about catching this elusive beast. 

After an early start yesterday the water was perfect without a breeze, I tried to catch some squid without any luck around taylors, Macmasters and palmie. I then headed to west head for yakkas and picked up a mixed size bag in less then 1/2  hour.

I trolled the larger yakkas on the downriggers all over Pittwater along the drop offs and wrecks,  I was hit twice but both times left the head and hook. The rain settled in and after 8 hrs I was ready to pack it in. 

I decided to grab a mooring near Scotland island on the west side and clean down the boat which was in need of a sort out after several days on the water. I left the downriggers down as I was cleaning up started burleying up with the remainder of the pillies and frozen squid, I decided to throw a baby yakka  on my squid jig set up a small craft squid rod and stradic 2500.

I continued to clean when the Stradic started screaming and I knew straight away what it was, I tightened the drag up as it swam away at an alarming pace from me to try and turn it around, I achieved that but now it was heading straight along side off the boat and pulling off more line and heading deeper at this point, I kept working it up slowly with another 3 big runs but then came straight at the boat and heading for the downriggers so I now had the rod tip in the water trying to direct it away from the steel cables and boat while I wound the downrigger up with one hand and battled the kingy with the other, At this point the adrenalin is pumping and I honestly didnt think that my gear would hold out.

I raised the kingy to the surface twice more but as soon as I get it near the net it's off again, finally she gives in and comes up on her side so I could finally net her. 

Last night I had it sashimi and baked Thai style and was the best I have ever tasted so fresh! 

When cleaning it's belly was full of little yakkas.






Edited by howies
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Awesome report! You had me there right with you. Funny how we buy all the right (and expensive) gear for our targets and more often than not it's on the other setup that the magic finally happens.

80cm is a great size for a first legal king. I'm still chasing one this summer.

Who's the chef? The sashimi looks amazing. Enjoy!

Excellent job!

Edit: And, happy birthday by the way!

Edited by Mike89
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