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No fish but enough blue swimmers


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After dropping a couple of crab pots off with some frozen mullet I Spent the day trying to chase kingies in Pittwater, I went to poke my head out through west head this morning but backed off Half way down palmy as the swell was getting big already and I am sure it would have  been hell out there,

Popped over to the basin for a dozen yakkas, 3 squid and 2 slimies, I trolled these up and down from palmy to Scotland island, I had one Slimy bitten in half near clareville wreck, The only joy I had was a 62cm kingy caught on a butterflied yakka drifted unweighted at Scotland. 

Called it a day and checked on traps 9 in total one full of eggs that lived to beed. Singapore chilli crab for dinner.





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Was up there Sunday and noticed a lot of crab pot markers on that shoreline. Is it a good time for them?


Didn't have much joy myself on Sunday. Plenty of marks on the sounder but kept getting my lures destroyed by leatherjackets. Pittwater can be a fickle mistress...  

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11 hours ago, DaveBM said:

Awesome looking meal.

I see a fish though... Tarwhine in the sink. 

You lied to me!

Haha nice pickup,  But was  referencing my lack of target species Aka "The Elusive Kingy" which I have spent hundreds of Hours and $ chasing this summer for far too many doughnuts. 

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I've also been out in Pittwater, chasing the kings for nothin'.  

Recently, I had some marks show up down about 10m on the west side about 100m off of a drop-off, and my slimey was bitten super-cleanly in half down there by something - I assume a big tailor or shark.  My fishin' diary from previous years has the kingies back in Pittwater at this time of year, but so far, I have had absolutely no success raising them: with slimies, yakkas, squid, and even on a fly that was a damn fine imitation of the eyes that are around in Pittwater atm.  In fact, I've found all fish life to be in extra short supply up there this summer, apart from the pinkies and leatherjackets.

Were there still loads of jelly blubbers in Pittwater when you were out?



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On 3/10/2017 at 7:54 AM, ginko said:

I've also been out in Pittwater, chasing the kings for nothin'.  

Recently, I had some marks show up down about 10m on the west side about 100m off of a drop-off, and my slimey was bitten super-cleanly in half down there by something - I assume a big tailor or shark.  My fishin' diary from previous years has the kingies back in Pittwater at this time of year, but so far, I have had absolutely no success raising them: with slimies, yakkas, squid, and even on a fly that was a damn fine imitation of the eyes that are around in Pittwater atm.  In fact, I've found all fish life to be in extra short supply up there this summer, apart from the pinkies and leatherjackets.

Were there still loads of jelly blubbers in Pittwater when you were out?



so many jelly! it was the most I have ever seen, I need to get out soon too much rain of late.

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On 3/10/2017 at 10:37 PM, papafish said:

howie did you get a boat? i think the last time we met were at the entrance along with steve :P


a little sports cruiser not the ideal fishing boat but needed to keep the trouble and strife involved. not too sure who Papafish is hiding behind that bream!

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On 21/03/2017 at 8:36 PM, howies said:

a little sports cruiser not the ideal fishing boat but needed to keep the trouble and strife involved. not too sure who Papafish is hiding behind that bream!

lol. nothing to hide champ~ im happy to show up if you invite me out next time hehehe. do you have a spare seat^^ im happy to get all the bait you need:) haven't been out the hacking since my mate sold his boat... the lazy bugger got really lazy and sick of cleaning up everytime we came home lol


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