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Wollongong blackfish session


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Went to my usual spot today. Weed was hard to come  by but I got  some soft shitty stuff from a drain. Whilst rigging  up I got to watch a school of frigates mack swim by followed by a few  kingies about  a meter long. They were so close i could have grabbed them right up against the rocks.


Any way i watched a few bust ups while my float  seemed to run out faster than i like. I adjusted the depth and kept  losing bait. Soft stuff dont last long or hold well.


I decided to change  how i rig up the the weed. It was almost like clay in some bits so it would mash on the hook. Poor weed but i was desperate. It seemed to do the trick and i then started get bites, downs and hook ups like nothing else.i know they are back now so ill get some  good weed and hopefully land some more.


Landing them with my left whilst netting with my right hand was an experience but i have mastered it so i no longer need my mates help to land them.



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It's always a bit of a struggle trying to net the fish for yourself, but certainly possible! Once you've mastered it you'll never need a blackfishing buddy again!

Nice few fish you've managed there. The one on the right looks nice and plump.

Awesome report. Good luck finding the some better quality weed. The kind you use for blackfishing, I mean ;).

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