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Where to take the uncle?


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It's been a while since I've been out! I feel like I'm dying inside :'( Anyhow, my uncle is coming over from the states and I want to get him onto some fish here in syd. We've got a 5.5m tinnie to take out so I was thinking somewhere in the hacking, or in botany. Hows things in those systems? Anything around recently? From memory, last winter in the hacking was pretty damn quiet :'(

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Ah, fishing in winter is quiet sometimes. I dunno about hacking or botany, seen pretty good reports on them. Man it really depends what your trying to catch. You can get bream and flathead most places but maybe try hawkesbury/cowan or tributaries from them. Just suggesting what I trust by the way. Tell us what your targeting and I'm sure that fellow raiders will hook you up. A word to the wise, try and target things exactly rather than "catch anything". Especially on boats. Sorry for trearing you like a newbie. Just happy to help. Good luck

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All good arthur! When I went fishing in the states with my uncle.. the fish they caught... in all honestly, if i caught a log, I'd be more excited LOL!! We ended up deciding on somewhere around rose bay as my dad has had some good run ins with trevally and flatties there recently

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