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Flatties At The Secret Spot.


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G day raiders, I noticed Mark D hasn't posted the report yet so I'll do the type and he can post the photos. We hit the water early on Friday at 5.30 but the sun had already beaten us by a good half hour. After sorting out a few logistical problems such as rigging some baits and creating a new base for my recently purchased downrigger we commenced to test her out by slow trolling around the spit for some Kings. With no hits on the skip baits or swimmers we decided to reel in the baits and head outside, thats when we relised that the bait on the downrigger had been absolutly mauled but hadn't resulted in a hook up or a release from the rigger, why? We motored round to bluefish and north head were we found the sambos doing their morning ritual. As we lowered the rigger and deployed the skippers hoping to get a king shadowing the sambos mark flicked around a softie and connected instantly to a solid sambo but after a short tussle the sambo was dropped. After spending another hour or two trolling the baits around to bluefish we decided that enough was enough and headed up to longie and commenced a drift for some Makos. We started a heavy trail going and waited, and waited and waited without so much as a touch :mad3: . That was enough for us both and we motored back inside to an ol' faviroute spot of mine. Flicking the soft plastics around the action was slow to start with only a nice dark choclate flattie comming to the boat. Shortly after a guy in his boat got stuck on the sand banmk and me and mark played good samaritain by pulling him off. we motored around a short distance to escape the silt and mud that clouded the bay after reving his motor in the mud and this is when the fishing gods reapid our kind gesture. In the next 60 minutes the flatties came thick and fast as we worked our plastics around a swarm of baitfish spilling of the flats. At the end we had nailed six good flatties and dropped quite a few more including a real monster that snapped the light mono leader like cotton (possibly a jew). There were massive boofs from unknown predators all around the boat which we called for school jew feeding on the hapless bait. Thanks for the day again Mark, bad luck about the fish but we will nail you a couple next time by the way hope you liked the DVD :thumbup::thumbup:

Edited by phild
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Guest hottuna

There were massive boofs from unknown predators all around the boat which we called for school jew feeding on the hapless bait. Thanks for the day again Mark, bad luck about the fish but we will nail you a couple next time by the way hope you liked the DVD


At this time of year id say those booff were those king you where chasing. Jews are know to boof at night.

But day time? i doubt it.


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At this time of year id say those booff were those king you where chasing. Jews are know to boof at night.

But day time? i doubt it.


Possibly Dan but with the fish I dropped we saw a big silver/ chrome flank plus Ive never encounterd kings at this spot before. But stranger things have happened mate, its also very possible that there were a few Noahs around as Ive seen a few about in my time there.

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ive seen jews "boofing" in daylight up at Roseville...awsome sight that really pisses you off when theyre out of casting range :ranting2:

Im still sticking with jew but I couldnt say for certain it will be interseting to hear Marks comments when he reads this post.

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Thanks guys, Jimbo I use the term "Secret Spot" as a name place for a fishing hole that is special to me. None of my spots are Secret per say. I do however reserve the right to show who I choose, these locations and how I fish them. Ive spent many hard fishing hours understanding and locating the specific areas that produce fish in these locations. Why should I just hand that knowledge over to all and sundry? Anyone is welcome on my boat and if I feel your the right person to share that knowledge then Ill more than happily do so. Mark D falls into this catogory and has proven that he would respect a location that I fish with him, I have taken him to some of my fav locations and will take him to many more in the future. But, I have read many peoples posts on this site that I dont belive would. I beleive it is poor etiquie to just ask a person for their spots without recepricating something back. Hope that clears things up, Ken why wont you be able to get amongst them?

Cheers Phil :biggrin2::biggrin2:

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Fair point Jimbo thanks for respecting my point of view and I agree with yours. P.S MARK D are you out there people will think Im doing another MUDCRABIN post if they dont see those photos soon :074:

cheers Phil :biggrin2:

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