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Help getting back into fishing


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Hello everyone, I'm a new member to the Fishraider forums! I am 16, from Sydney, and have been fishing my whole life, since I was very young. I used to go fishing all the time with my dad, and have had great success with the fish, with my greatest claim to fame being a photo of me being in the fishing monthly newspaper, and the 6th google result for the search "hairtail": 


Unfortunately since my father passed away 3 years ago, I haven't been doing much fishing. For the 2 years afterwards I was too sad to go fishing by myself without him, and abandoned it entirely. However in the past year I have decided to try to get back into it, but I have been having difficulties doing so. We used to fish of our boat for the most part, but being on my Ls I can't drive a boat around, meaning I am restricted to land based spots. I also don't know the spots where we used to fish, because he always made it a surprise where we were going. I have tried out some popular spots (Chiswick wharf, Beulah St wharf and Gladesville bridge) but not had much luck. I know people aren't too inclined to give away trade secrets, but I am just looking for a few spots to get me back on my feet.

In the past I have done all sorts of fishing. I have tried out going for some bigger fish (tuna, wahoo, jew fish, king fish) but found it a bit boring, I'm more of a quantity over quality guy. I don't mind the size of the fish, because I throw nearly everything back, so for me it's about getting as many bites/fish as possible. I also didn't really enjoy beach fishing all that much, because most of the time I can't even feel the fish. What I really love is mangrove and estuary fishing, with my target fish being bream, flathead, trevally, whiting etc. I like go out with poppers and soft plastics and to be constantly moving, searching for the fish instead of the other way around. It is my absolute favourite to go out in a kayak, but without my full licence I am limited to public transport. My other favourite types of fishing are rock fishing and bass fishing. I don't mind fishing off wharves, but I prefer to be active and moving.

Any help for spots that I can access is greatly appreciated. I would hate to give up on fishing, because it's something I really love to do, but it's just so difficult to get started without any knowhow of good spots, especially with my transport dilemma. Unfortunately my spots are also limited to somewhere I can access on a bus from inner city Sydney, as much as I hate taking my fishing gear on the bus.

Edited by Aardvarking
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Welcome to Fishraider. :)

Try using the search function at the top of the page for areas where you are thinking of trying, there will be heaps of great tips.

Hopefully less than 12 months till your p' s and then you can get to any spot you want. 


Good luck and look forward to reports from you fishing adventures. 





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hello and welcome to fishraider mate you are a similar age to me 

i dont know your area but there is alot of people on here that dont mind sharing spots so i reckon you will get a bit of info over the next couple of days

look forward to seeing your reports in future

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Hey mate you are definitely paying attention in english class! Good writing for a guy your age, keep at it.

There is plenty of information on the forums to help you out, just search for it, or spend some time looking at google maps and RMS waterways maps to work out places of your own.

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23 minutes ago, Hooked-Up said:

maybe head to narrabeen lake, perfect for your estuary lure fishing landbased.

That sounds like a perfect spot for me, but at the moment is a bit too far away. I'm restricted to places I can easily access on public transport from Glebe, near the CBD. I'll definitely check that out when I get my Ps next year though, so thanks for the suggestion.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi mate,

I have been here 1 year and a half and have done a lots fishing trip via public transport. Of course, all are landbase. You can easily access these places via Bus, Ferry & Train.

This is a map a copied on this forum: https://goo.gl/GH6e4M

And these are places I visited for fishing: https://goo.gl/3qzFDr

You even can find more places via Google Maps, Google Earth, Sydways and Google street view.


Don't worry to try your luck on beaches on the harbour side, there is no wave and you can catch nice flathead, whiting with your SPs. I cached plenty of them at Manly, Fairlight, Camp Cove. These places also are beautiful to enjoy on a calm day.


I recommend you get a fishing rod bag: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Fishing-Rod-Case-Carrier-Holder-Rack-Hooks-Pole-Bag-Popular-Useful-Fish-Tool-/232156637058?var=&epid=10004116326&hash=item360d9d2782:m:mKt_CZmecEWDv3N0KbOHM9w . What is very useful for me to travel on public transport.


I also love lure fishing so I pack up only 1 light weight rod, a small leader spool, few jig heads, few SPs, few micro jigs and blades. All of them fit into the bag so you can enjoy bush walking or swimming before fishing :D.


I am living in CBD, quite close in your place, if you like to have a trip mate, I might join with you on Saturday or Sunday.

Edited by huyle
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I did alot of fishing via public transport when no one else could take me back in highschool.

A few popular spots for landbased fishing where I caught some fish as well are cremorne point wharf, pier 2, birkenhead point wharf. Casting lures around iron cove can get you some fish as well

There are alot of spots where you can do some good fishing without a car.

I used to catch public transport to terrigal to catch bonito/mackeral during their run (which would take me 3 hours+), so I know your struggle

I used a light 4 pce rod or a telescopic since that was very easy to carry and easy to hide in a bag. It can be so awkward holding a big rod on the train.

 Keep at it and Im sure you will catch a lot of fish

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