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Alvey Reels closing down (NOT)


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Another Aussie manufacturer goes down fighting...a victim of world economy. Can't help wonder if there will be anything manufactured in Australia, in the years ahead.

They have served the fishing industry well, particularly in the early years.    BN

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I used Alvey reels back as far as the mid 60's and still have a couple that get a run every now and then. Never let me down in all that time and at one stage I even had a 2 speed 6" alvey that got stolen from my shed along with 8 thousand dollars worth of other gear.

It is a sad day when an icon business folds up.



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2 hours ago, ARC H said:

No good at all 

i have never used a Alvey reel but i know they have been around for a long time

i read something saying closing down because cheap import copies!!! is that true??

I haven't seen any import copies.  Not saying there isn't any. I think it is more that Alvey reels are an old design. They just work as they were always intended to.  Problem is these days people are always looking for the newest thing, not necessarily what works the best.  I'm an avid Alvey user and more than sad to see another part of Australia dissappear. 

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40 minutes ago, Noo2OzFish said:

I haven't seen any import copies.  Not saying there isn't any. I think it is more that Alvey reels are an old design. They just work as they were always intended to.  Problem is these days people are always looking for the newest thing, not necessarily what works the best.  I'm an avid Alvey user and more than sad to see another part of Australia dissappear. 

yeah ok fair enough  

Edited by ARC H
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similar types of reels are used all over the world. dunno if imports would really be copies...

love the brand and its heritage in fishing but to be honest we surely all saw this coming... they sell something indestructible and havent really updated their designs in a long time... sad to see them go but it does seem like its partially their fault

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21 minutes ago, chokpa said:

similar types of reels are used all over the world. dunno if imports would really be copies...

love the brand and its heritage in fishing but to be honest we surely all saw this coming... they sell something indestructible and havent really updated their designs in a long time... sad to see them go but it does seem like its partially their fault

no need to change something that works is there??

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Do Alvey reels also make Alvey yabby pumps or are they two separate companies or arms of the same company?

Are there other Alvey products (such as rods) which will be affected?

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I personally have never been much of a fan of sidecast reels, but even so, i am deeply saddened at the news of another austrailian icon closing its doors.

I wonder how many jew and tailor have fallen to these clasic workhorses. especially in the hayday of the rock and beach comps, when anglers would regularly take cricket scores of these fish.

I remember reading of some epic battles by guys many moons ago using sidecast tackle, like of some of the barrel sized yellowfin tuna taken off the rocks. Or the scores of big jew taken on feathers during floods. And more recently, the 50+kg spanyard  and big GTs taken slide baiting off frazer island.

RIP Alvey



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Such a shame.

i do note though that they haven't taken the usual route of outsourcing the manufacturing to China and keeping just the head office,  marketing and distribution functions here in Aus. This indicates the primary problem is the design - people just don't want sidecasts outside of a few diehards and there is no easy path from manufacturing sidecasts to any other reel style.

still a shame. I feel like going out and buying one though I guess it's a bit late now.

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3 hours ago, jeffb5.8 said:

They also make Bait pumps, Buckets, bait traps, i wonder if they will continue selling these and just stop just the reels

Did they make those, or just rebrand and sell?

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Yes, a sad day for Australian manufacturing, but we are all to blame. In the many reels I own I have only one Alvey. It has been absolutely faultless in its operation, almost indestructible, but I seldom use it, preferring to use either a baitcaster or spinning reel.

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Really sad news. I agree with Volitan about manufactring outsourcing and design. They should have moved manufacturing to China like they have already done for rods and some spools to keep the costs down. And work on design. Shame to see them go. Modified Alvey is my first choice weapon for night beach fishing.

Edited by savit
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"We still have substantial stocks to be distributed to retailers and we will endeavour to support warranties and spare parts for our products as long as we can.

Thank you again for your support as an Alvey user, it is you that has kept us in business for the past 97 years."



Hats off to you mate a great Aussie product going missing


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When I think of Alvey,I think of fishing with my late dad.As everyone said,it's sad to see this happen to any company.But Alvey need to hold their head up high as there's not many companies that can say they lasted 97 years.Well done for almost making the magic century Alvey!

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I have been thinking of getting one to add to my kit, specifically for jewies off the beach, rocks and break walls. Can people please offer opinions on the best models please. Probably to be fished with 40lb tortue or up to 50lb. I would prefer one with drag but am open to suggestions.

Opinons on fixed handles vs spindle handles and stainless plate vs graphite. Has anyone had any experience with the Elite range,

Does the anodised metal ding on the rocks and cause sharp bits for line to catch, scuff on?

Also can someone please tell me if the pink 600B XLTP reel has a drag system or just a tension knob that adjusts the tension both winding in and drag out.

Thanks guys

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I am wondering if they stop selling the reels it will probably become hard to buy a matching rod as well.  The type with short butt, big first guide and often the line holder guide.

I havent really fished the beach or rocks but do own two Alvey reels but no beach rod.  My longest rod is like 7ft. ( I do have a 13ft cane one of my pops but won't be using that).

One reel is 7 inch I got new as a kid the other 6 inch that we caught rod and all fishing the Hawkesbury around 30 years ago.  It came up like brand new with a little TLC.

So my question is should I get a rod suitable now whilst they are still around or do most beach fishos use an eggbeater now anyway?


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I have an Alvey, hardly ever use it.Prefer the egg beater. Sorry to see them go, but its a bit like

being a carburetor manufacturer in a world of fuel injection. There will be di-hards that love them

and not many more.

That said, I won't be getting rid of mine or my side cast rod, and I will try and get better with it.


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