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Big neil and i hit the water this morning and found to our relief that the wind had died off  we had a great time fishin an chattin..neil is a top bloke and im glad i took him for a run..the fishing was slow with me dropping a small flattie boatside then i finally scored a nice flattie of 65cm in really good condition..poor old neil struggled and the flatties wouldnt play..the wind turned from 3 knots westerly to 20 knots sth east and made fishing difficult  we tried a few more spots for some small bream tailor and tarwhine but gave up with the wind winning the day..thanks for the day neil i hope you enjoyed yourself...rick

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just disappointed I couldn't get neil onto a fish..we even went right up one of the local creeks weaving the vsea round logs to find a bass or ep..no joy at that either....at least we tried....hard time of year..cold water..17.1 dg...wind 2o knots plus...hang on..ran out of excuses...rick

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On 9/28/2017 at 6:40 PM, rickmarlin62 said:

just disappointed I couldn't get neil onto a fish..we even went right up one of the local creeks weaving the vsea round logs to find a bass or ep..no joy at that either....at least we tried....hard time of year..cold water..17.1 dg...wind 2o knots plus...hang on..ran out of excuses...rick

Hey Rick mate. I had a great day on the water with you. You certainly know what you're doing. Nice Flattie for the day and great company. Many thanks for taking me out in your "neck of the woods". You're a real character and have a fantastic depth of fishing experience. We certainly gave it a fair go, chasing a variety of species...opened my eyes a bit to the difficulties fishing these estuaries in densely populated areas. Cheers mate, BN.


Addendum: I also caught up with Stapo and he loaned me one of his Blackfishing poles. We had a good old chinwag and I met some of the other local characters. However, we had no "downs"... apparently I should have been there 3 weeks earlier. (Now they tell me)! Anyway Steve, glad you're on the mend again and it was good to catch up. Cheers, BN


Addendum 2: Managed a couple of sessions with Debbie (middle daughter). We caught quite a few smallish Bream and Tarwhine and had a bit of fun. As always she caught more than I did and will forever more keep reminding me of the fact. SUCH IS LIFE, BN

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3 minutes ago, rickmarlin62 said:

glad you enjoyed the day neil..maybe if your up again at a different time of year we can chase something else..i had a great time chattin with you and I hope to do a trip down your way next year...lookout cod...rick

Keep me posted Rick, and once again thanks for your time. BN

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