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A good day with a mate!!!!


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We were down Ulladulla way for a "maint" weekend at another mates holiday house. So we decided to go out  for a bit of a fish on Sunday morning.

The tide was rising and the water looked great with plenty of wash back off the rocks. There was a nice big gutter running along the rocks so we were fishing simple with a small sinker down onto the hook and using a mixture of old yakkas and pillies as bait. Just casting in and letting it drift.

Chopped up a couple hand fulls of pillies and added this into the drift to start the process and then started casting. 

Well the casting was all we did for the next 1.5 hours. Apart from a couple small bites we had doghnuts. 

Decided to change tack and cast out my bigger rod with half a small tailor on it. Cast it out set the drag and wait. It was drifting a little and then i noticed that it was moving against the flow. So i picked it up and set the hook hoping that it may have been a jewie but no it had that tell tale sign of either a ray or similar. 

Spent the next 10 minutes running it back and forth until i finally saw that it was the biggest Wobbegong that i have ever seen. Took another 10 minutes to wash it up onto the rock shelf and then luckily it finally broke the line and swam away. The head was huge i judged it was around 5ft.

Mate and i then started to use crabs we gathered and that is when we started to get the pigs every cast was being nailed. Was a very exciting hour or so. Mate said it was the best fishing he ever had. Big smiles all around. 

Back to the house for lunch and a few well earned beers and watch the V8 at Goldie.

Cheers R&B


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5 minutes ago, BIGG DADDA TREVS said:

were the luderick on the crabs too? How did u use the crabs, were they cut or whole? thx


Are they not drummer? We pulled the claws off and the back shell and a back leg. Put the hook through where the back leg was and into the middle of the shell with all the juicy bits

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