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Honda 40 Hp Problem

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Hi All

A mate of mine has had a 40hp honda for under 2yrs and when he started it yesterday a flame came off the earthing strap located on the base of the leg. The one that joins the top half of your engine to the bottom.

I not being a motor mech could only assume that he must have had his polarities around the wrong way.

Hence making the boat live and the battery the earth ?

He assured me that the polarities where around the right way:wacko:

Has anyone had a similar experience.

I have since replaced the battery and all is fine but I would like to know why this would have happened.



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Sounds like reverse polarity to me. Not too many things cause the earth strap to flash, unless there is a wicked short in which case you would have some melted wiring as well.

Did the flash occur when he connected the battery or did it happen while the boat was running ? If it happened on battery connection it would have to be reverse polarity youd think.

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Sounds like reverse polarity to me. Not too many things cause the earth strap to flash, unless there is a wicked short in which case you would have some melted wiring as well.

Did the flash occur when he connected the battery or did it happen while the boat was running ? If it happened on battery connection it would have to be reverse polarity youd think.

Thought you'd pop in on this post Grant, good onya!

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Just to add a bit, the connection at that strap would have to be the weak point too by way of a poor connection.If the connection are good the battery post just sparks but I have seen poorly fitted and loose earth straps blow off before on cars when the battery polarity is fitted around the wrong way. Just need to know exactly when it blew. :biggrin2:

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Just saw Telco's post and that does actually make more sense now i think about it, especially if it happened while cranking. Didnt see the bit about " while starting the boat" :wacko::074:

Onya Telco your good on the electrical stuff. :thumbup:

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