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Hullo All;

With all the reports of big flatties coming out of Narrabeen Lake a quick word.

All the regulars will know about this but a lot of newcomers to the Lake may not.

This time of the year with warm water and possibly the lake closed there is a very nasty little parasite shows up.

It is called " Pelican Itch " or " Narrabeen Itch."

It is especially common in the top end of the lake.

According to the boffins it  is a tiny little beast that lives in the surface tension of the water.

When wet wading you can be affected.

Sometimes you can see a red mark on the for want of a better word the " high tide ' level where you have been wading.

Otherwise no visible signs.

But , a couple of hours later the itching can be very uncomfortable.

On kids it can be unbearable for them.

So , the best idea is after fishing wash with hot soap and water and if possible rub the legs with metho.

For kids a cream like Stop Itch or Soove would be cheap insurance.

Reason being if the kids or anyone scratch it and break the skin it can become infected.

For us older fossils the metho treatment followed by a trip to your favourite watering hole for some internal antiseptic is highly recommended!!:lol:

Cheers. Oldfella.


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It's a form of bilharzia that depends on a few different animals to get through its life cycle, birds being one. I copped a fearful dose some years ago wading at The Entrance with 35 to 40 "bites" on each foot and have worn waders ever since. In summer it's too hot so lately, have taken to applying sunscreen pretty lliberally to my legs before fishing and it seems to work.


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Hi Koalaboi;

Many thanks for the proper name of the beast.

Narrabeen or Pelican itch would be I think a purely local name.

Probably it is called " Entrance Itch " There.

Any other number of local names in other areas.

Surprised to hear it is a form of bilharzia.

A lot of old diggers (WW2 ) who served in South East Asia or were POW 'S Referred to this disease as " Bill Harris ".

That Species could be fatal.

Again Many Thanks.



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