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Barrycuda v Broken Bay


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I was trying to decide what to for fishing on the weekend when I got a text from fishraider Zoran  AKA @zmk1962




He wanted to go out bottom bashing for flathead and I'd been chatting with him during the week about getting a bigger boat, so this was a good opportunity to go out in one and see how it goes. We made plans to meet at Paisley bay ramp and then head offshore. I was there a little earlier an was surprised at how busy the ramp was.  For the most part, people were ok, but as I was used to Woy Woy, I found it a bit hectic. Anyway, when Zoran got there,  it was a lot quieter, we loaded the boat and went to launch. At this point, Zoran asked me if I wanted to have a go at  driving the boat off so he could go and park the trailer. So I did and his boat was very easy drive. I was pretty nervous about scratching his pride and joy but I managed to get the boat off the trailer and then up to the jetty for Zoran to jump on.

We then switched places and headed out at a leisurely  60 k/hr. The swell was quite small and there wasn't much wind to speak off. We stopped at the 40 metre mark and started a few drifts. We got a half a dozen small flatties so moved out to 50 metres and started again. I got on to a couple of 40 cm models and Zoran suggested a tactic that I  have never used and that was to anchor. With the press of a button, the anchor was deployed and we started catching. It was a good tactic and seemed to produce the goods. 
When it went a bit quiet, Zorans' magic finger lifted up the anchor so we started drifting until we found some more and then down it  went. I don't do this in my boat, its too hard winding up a flathead from 50 metres, let alone doing it with an anchor, but the electric model Zoran has makes this an effective addition to the fishing tackle box!



This was so successful, that by around 9:15, we've got 20 flathead on board, and surprisingly, had to come up with a plan B, or what to do next. We headed out to the FAD, but noting much was out there, then tried a spot of reef fishing, with the only things that we caught being a pike and a nannygai. The wind started getting up so we decided to head back in, and Zoran handed me the keys to drive back in.  I really enjoyed it, and Zoran was giving plenty of coaching about adjusting the trim  and throttle to make it a softer ride back. It was good and I'll be trying to incorporate it in to my driving style. 



Finally we were back, and I was once again entrusted to drive the boat on to the trailer, and thankfully, the weather and tide gods were kind and the boat went straight on first go. We then spent a bit of time cleaning the fish and swapping stories before heading off. Top day and it was good fun fishing with another raider. 


Edited by antonywardle
fixing the spelling of Zoran
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Thanks for the write up @antonywardle - you know your way around boats - and make a great crew member.  It was a very good day out - not often that I have bagged out within an hour.  Look forward to a repeat sesh ... one where we have plans B, C, D already prepared.



Edited by zmk1962
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Guest Guest123456789

Nice write up Antony sounds like a top day out and you learnt a few new tricks as well.

Any closer to knowing what boat you want to upgrade to? Seems like a bigger fibreglass rig as opposed to a tinny might be more your style.

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Great write up Antony. Sounds like an awesome day on the water and Zoran is a real gentleman isnt he. Not many blokes around willing to let someone else steer the ship.

And to top it all off a nice bag of flatties. Theyre certainly firing up from the reports ive read!

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