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Broughton Snapper


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After a few tentative inboxes the day arrived when I made the trip up to chase Reds with Jeff (Scratchie) in his home turf. Forecast had been a bit iffy all week with rain and wind thrown in the mix but was confident early it would be manageable. First drift we came up to a rock wall holding bait and as soon as Jeff called it he hooked a small red on the plastic. I think I managed a rock cod and that was it for a few more drifts, bait was every where but couldn’t tempt any more. Moved spots, and the first drift I came up tight on the plastic in the top half of the water column to a better sized red. Managed to get it in the boat and it went 55, so straight in the well. I think Jeff landed another pannie on the same drift. Whilst this was happening Jeff had a live slimey drifting out the back, that got smoked. Cleared the rods, and by the time we could do anything it had bricked him in the reef, had all the tell tale signs of a hoodlum.  Jeff showed me another spot where we both pulled a few more pannies, I think we ended the day with seven in the well. Although I didn’t crack a big one it was a great day on the water, if you ever get the opportunity to fish with Jeff he is a guru, his knowledge he passed on to me today will no doubt be put to good use. Sou east blew up and it made it a slow bumpy trip back in across the bay, but regardless it was definately worh the trip up. All fish were caught on a variety of zman plastics fished on 1/4 jigheads.


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Cheers Tyrone. It was a tough day out there. The constant rain squalls and changes in wind direction made for some awkward drifts but you got the hang of things really quick. Too add, some idiot continually driving over our drift didn’t help things. 

But we hit our target and I could see you enjoyed that type of angling immensely! 

I would have liked to turn that hoodlums head before I got smoked but no chance, haha! And then a nice little bronzy to get the heart pumping. It shows it always pays to take the time to put that livie out behind you. 

Under the circumstances, we did quite well. Managed a feed, hit our target with very little bycatch and dropped a fair few too! 

Thanks for the day champ and it was a pleasure to catch up with another fishraider! I’m sure we’ll tee something up again soon! 

I took this photo through the trip! 

Cheers scratchie!!! 


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