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A Weekend Of Two Halves

Captain Pugwash

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After that fantastic day with the in-laws a couple of weeks ago we decided to invite my parents down from Camden for a fish. Dad is probably the only bloke I know that loves fishing more than me.

So off we head at a leisurely 11am only to run into the one and only Mr Joe Cool. He tells me all about his 80cm King and where he caught it. He also told me why he is no longer with us on the site. It's nothing to do with any of us and we should just let it rest. He then proceeds to put shit on me for being so lazy only coming out at 11am. :074::074::074: He also the gives me his left over yakkas because that's just the guy he is. :thumbup:

On we go, straight to the spot Joe has just landed his beautiful specimen! Livies out, berley going and my Dad grinning like a schoolkid. You know what's coming don't you? Not even a sniff. Sweet FA your honour. A lot of bloody sweep and NOTHING else. Sat there for several hours, apologising profusely to my Dad who, being a great bloke and a great fisherman just said "that's fishing son". Even had the ultimate PISS OFF when one of the charter specials screams for about 3 seconds and stops. Sure enough a king had hit it and grabbed the yakka without being hooked. BUGGER

In desperation we moved over to Dobroyd Pt and again nothing. So we moved to middle harbour and once again, bloody nothing. So home we come with a heavy heart and me bitterly disappointed for my Dad.

We then had my two sisters plus husbands plus EIGHT kids over for Chrissy dinner because we are away again this year (chasing tiger fish in Africa). Twas a huge night and I tried to drink away my sorrow. This eventually worked about 3 this morning. Got up with a hangover, waved goodbye to my parents then the entire bunch of nieces and nephews wanted to go out on “Uncle Pete’s boat”. So out we go and head for Balmoral Island to berley up some yakkas. It was hilarious. 6 rods in the hands of kids with no idea! There were sweep and yakkas flying through the air everywhere. One of the brother in law’s got a hook through his finger and the kids generally had a ball.

Finally decided that was enough so we headed back to the marina to drop them off. Got there at 4pm when Dollface says to me it’s a shame to waste all those yakkas. You’re right says I, so we bid the relatives goodbye and off we go again.

Decided to hit Big Joe’s spot again in desperation. Got there and anchored up by about 4.30. Berley going and about 5 yakkas out on balloons as well as straight down. Nothing happened for a while (what a surprise) so I rigged up a little treble with a nice strip of fresh yakka. Put the rig on my favourite little rackraider and wouldn’t you know it, BANG! It gets hammered and I’m on!!!!!

Bloody nice fish I’m thinking and after a warts and all tussle I get a first glimpse of him. Dollface is standing by with the net when the Charter Special goes off. Dollface drops the net and grabs the rod. I don’t know who was screaming more, the reel or Dollface!

I finally net mine one handed, dropped him on the floor, then raced over to rescue a tiring Dollface who was manfully keeping the fight up to number 2. Eventually subdued this one and got him on board when a 3rd rod goes off and were back into again. This bloke went around the motor and when I finally worked him free from that he went around two other lines before we finally netted him and had time to draw a breath.

In the space of ten minutes we had turned our weekend from the outhouse to the penthouse. But I haven’t got the heart to tell dad because every man’s gotta know his limitations!

And for those of you playing at home they were numbers 20, 21 and 22 Kings we have landed this summer. Oh, and they all went exactly 65cm.






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Great report Pete :thumbup: Those 2 in your right hand look bigger than 65? Well done mate. Byu the way how do you cook them? I sashimi'd some and grilled a few fillets, nery nice but too fishy for the :wife:

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Great report Pete :thumbup: Those 2 in your right hand look bigger than 65? Well done mate. Byu the way how do you cook them? I sashimi'd some and grilled a few fillets, nery nice but too fishy for the :wife:


I'll get you out on the Black Pig one day! Obviously I haven't caught enough to entice you yet!!!!!!

Yeah, I thought so too, but when I measured them they all went 65cm.

Fish being too fishy? That must have come as a shock! :074::074::074::074:

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Well done mate. The facial expression says it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you ought to have seen the look on our faces when we had two rods going off at the same time! :1yikes:

It's great but it's scary cause you don't know which rod you should concentrate on. It's absolute mayhem but exciting at the same time. :yahoo:



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I'll get you out on the Black Pig one day! Obviously I haven't caught enough to entice you yet!!!!!!

Yeah, I thought so too, but when I measured them they all went 65cm.

Fish being too fishy? :074::074::074::074:

Thanks Pete, I'll take you up on that offer one day!

That must have come as a shock! : Thats what I said! Whats next a esteak tasting too much like meat :biggrin2:

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Been there mate on the double hookup and it's unbelievable.

Kings are truly a magnificent fish and to think that we have been denied these fish all these years because the pros were allowed to trap them and (as they do) virtually wiped them out. There is no greater sports fish and they are top eating as well.

I can't wait to catch a hoodlum. That will be the best!!!

Mark season them, wrap them in foil and cook them whole on the BBQ.

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Pete, I saw you at Balmoral (three guys in tghe southwind) and that boat looked like something that had travelled from Indonisia you had that many people on board. We hit the hole were me and Mark did so well last week and again the fish were there, on our first run we had a double hook up and then a pair of spearos muscled in and that was that :ranting2: . We also dropped a monster at the yellow marker after it wrapped us round the chain. Finished of with a couple of nice blue swimmers and some monster cowanyoung to save the day. Well done on the kings mate looks like you and dollface have the form for a kingy social.

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That's a massive weekend Captain!

Looks like you're getting on a roll with the kings. It's a shame you couldn't get your old man onto one, but at least he understands the nature of the game.

Those tiger fish won't know what's hit 'em!



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Pete, I saw you at Balmoral (three guys in tghe southwind) and that boat looked like something that had travelled from Indonisia you had that many people on board. We hit the hole were me and Mark did so well last week and again the fish were there, on our first run we had a double hook up and then a pair of spearos muscled in and that was that :ranting2: . We also dropped a monster at the yellow marker after it wrapped us round the chain. Finished of with a couple of nice blue swimmers and some monster cowanyoung to save the day. Well done on the kings mate looks like you and dollface have the form for a kingy social.

Mate, it was hilarious with all those billylids on board. If Dollface and I had the chance it would have been a true "children overboard" saga. :074:

I've heard some stories of hoodlums at that marker bouy. That is now my primary goal.


only a couple of weeks to go and I'll be chasing them tigers up and down lake Kariba in Zimbabwe. :yahoo:



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Great report there Captain and not a bad read also, like reading how other fisho's spend their weekends revolved around fishing.. ah those Kings great fish great fight. Haven't caught one this year yet but if my luck continues like last year I got a 67cm model under Gladesville Bridge on a nipper! work that one out. Oh yeah I was drifting of Flatties at the time with 4kg line.. :1prop:

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