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Woy Woy Bay - 21/11/05


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Hi guys

I've been pretty quiet on the reports page for a few months now cos I got sick of reporting that I didn't catch anything again.

I had the day off work yesterday and went for a fish for a couple of hours down at Woy Woy bay in the arvo. I was using softies in red/black and orange/clear. Not sure what the proper names of them were. Some sort of shad I think.

Anyway, had no luck off the wharves but I tried a storm water outlet into the bay, just down from the boatramp. Hooked a flatty, but lost it near the bank. Then 2 casts later I landed a nice whiting of 39cm! I was thrilled with this. Then 2 casts later and I brought in a nice 50cm dusky.

Went quiet after that, so I tried a couple of other spots for no more results. Sure was nice to catch some decent fish though. Had em for tea last night. I think I might have to start using lures more often.



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Congrats on breaking the drought Tim. :thumbup:

Looking forward to reading your future lure fishing reports now that you've got the hang of it. Hopefully with some pics for us to have a gander at? :biggrin2:

Any spot where a small creek or storm water outlet runs into a larger body of water always seems to hold a few flathead. I guess they're laying in wait for a small baitfish to come out of it.

You're doing very well to get a whiting on plastic too. I still haven't managed to crack one yet. :mad3: I guess it will happen with time and patience.

Nice going mate, and keep the reports coming.



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Good work Tim, been a while too. :1prop:

I have high hopes for that whole area this summer, should produce some big flatties. Im going to give a good run anyhoo.

There is a lot of poddies in that creek near the ramp and id love to throw a few out live around the bay there.

Cheers :D

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Catch those poddies and get them out on the drop off along the weed bed, there are a couple of big flatties in there. Was out in the bay a few weeks back doing some test runs in the boat and found another spot that you could see the flatties working the bait schools on a falling tide - there were also some massive boils that I did not see fish on, so either they were rays or very good flatties. Think about maybe where the water on an outflowing tide flows goes over a sand bar across the entire arm of the creek :)

Tim, good to see you getting out and about - was this a 'sickie' that you were fishing on? :1prop: must have been real sick ;)


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Thanks for the tips fellas.

I did get some photos on a friend's digi yesterday arvo so once I get them I'll add them into the post.

No Adrian, this was a pre planned day off. No medical certificate required. I prefer to take my sickies mid week cos it looks less suspicious :1fishing1:

I tried a few spots yesterday and there were poddies at every one. No shortage of bait in the bay!

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No Adrian, this was a pre planned day off. No medical certificate required. I prefer to take my sickies mid week cos it looks less suspicious

I know what you mean, not that I have ever taken a fishing sickie though. We have an 'in/out' board in the office (the board that lets people know if others are out, when they get back and where they are, etc), and some smart ass decided to write me up on there one day as "GONE FISHING :1fishing1: " (I was actually at a site meeting) but didnt the boss crack the sh.ts :074:

Grant, some of the explosions in less than two feet of water as something was smashing the bait were unreal :1yikes: and no, they were definately not just jumping mullet, some were only 6 feet from the boat. I was throwing lures around but had no luck at all - was just after the rain we had and the water was pretty dirty still. I think a few livies drifted back over the flats as the tide drops would get you some nice fish.


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